发布时间:2018-08-29 09:26
【摘要】:一个民族的语言词汇系统能够最直接、最敏感地反映该民族的文化价值取向。颜色词,作为人类语言庞大词汇系统中不可缺少的一部分,广泛地渗透在人们生活的各个领域中。一方面,语言使用者可以将颜色词直接用于对事物颜色的客观描述;另一方面,语言使用者可以借助颜色词的内涵意义间接表达出对人、事物或者事件的感情投入和主观认识。 正是因为颜色词与人类生活之间存在这样一种密不可分的联系以及颜色词本身具备这样一种特殊的用法,国内外学者们一直将颜色词作为他们的热点研究对象之一。事实上,早从两千多年前起,国内外学者便开始了对颜色词的研究,只是他们在对研究角度或者研究内容的选取上有所差别。集中看来,其中最显著、最主流的研究视角和研究内容包括:从生物学角度阐释颜色词的产生和发展;从人类学角度阐释颜色词的民族差异性;从语言学角度阐释颜色词的语义内涵。而本文将利用评价理论,从语言学视角对颜色词的人际意义进行探究。 J. R. Martin在上世纪90年代提出了以词汇为中心的“评价系统”——系统功能语言学框架下一个关于人际意义的资源系统。在整个评价系统中,起核心作用的是态度子系统,其揭示出:语言使用者是如何利用对态度评价资源进行有意识或潜意识的选择来表达对所描述对象(物、人、事)的态度或评价的。然而,在《评估语言》一书中,Martin和White只重点探讨了典型的显、隐性评价资源,对韩礼德曾经提到的“内涵性词汇”这样一种特殊人际资源未作系统划分。这就给我们提出了一些疑问:内涵性词汇到底是如何表现态度人际意义的呢?这种人际资源的特殊之处体现在哪些方面呢? 本文拟以评价理论为基本理论框架,从语言学视角出发,对英汉颜色词这种在特定语境下会产生内涵意义的词汇进行态度人际意义对比分析。其重点研究的目标颜色词包括:黑色、白色、红色、黄色、绿色、蓝色和紫色。中文语料来源于北京大学中国语言学研究中心;英文语料来源于现代英汉综合大词典。 全文旨在解答以下三个问题: (1)目标英汉颜色词在特定语境下是如何体现各自的态度人际意义的? (2)目标英汉颜色词的评价潜势与典型的评价资源相比,有什么特殊性? (3)目标英汉颜色词的在特定语境下体现出的态度人际意义之间有什么相同点和不同点? 在语料分析部分,我们依据语篇连贯原则,联系上下文,适当联系英汉颜色词联想意义的文化来源或者隐喻来源,对特定语境中的目标颜色词进行相应的态度人际意义分析。 通过细致的语料分析,我们可以得出以下几点结论: 1.颜色词在发挥评价潜势时,具有很强的文化依赖性。每种颜色词在不同文化中具备的不同估值导致了每种颜色词在不同语言评价系统中的不同定位。 2.与典型的评价资源相比,颜色词的评价意义传达更依赖于语境,尤其是社会文化语境。与典型的评价资源相比,颜色词的评价意义潜势更大——同一颜色词在不同的语篇语境下有可能被划分在不同的态度子系统下:情感、判断和鉴赏。与典型的评价资源相比,颜色词在起评价作用时,,涉及的句式不那么灵活多样。 3.说到共同点,中文语篇和英文语篇中的颜色词都能起到判断或鉴赏的评价作用。说到不同点,比起中文语篇中的颜色词,英文语篇中的颜色词具备更大的评价潜势——除了能够充当判断和鉴赏资源,还能充当情感资源,帮助作者/说话者构建情感;一种颜色词的评估价值(或正面或负面),在自身文化背景下一般是固定的,但是有可能随着文化背景的改变而改变——某些颜色词在中文语篇中起正面的评价作用,却在英文语篇中起负面的评价作用;即使某颜色词在中文语篇和英文语篇中的整体评估价值可能产生一致,但是它们的具体评价意义却很少发生重叠。
[Abstract]:Color words, as an indispensable part of the huge vocabulary system of human language, are widely permeated in all fields of people's life. On the one hand, language users can use color words directly to the object of color. On the other hand, language users can indirectly express their emotional involvement and subjective understanding of people, things or events by means of the connotative meaning of color words.
It is precisely because of such an inseparable link between color words and human life and the special usage of color words themselves that scholars at home and abroad have always regarded color words as one of their hot research subjects. The most prominent and mainstream research perspectives and contents are as follows: interpreting the origin and development of color words from a biological point of view; interpreting the ethnic differences of color words from an anthropological point of view; and interpreting the semantics of color words from a linguistic point of view. This paper will use the theory of evaluation to explore the interpersonal meaning of color words from a linguistic perspective.
In the 1990s, J.R. Martin proposed a lexical-centered "evaluation system" - a resource system for interpersonal meaning under the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics. However, in the book Evaluation Language, Martin and White only focus on typical explicit and implicit evaluation resources, and do not systematically classify the special interpersonal resources that Halliday once referred to as "connotative words". Some questions are raised: how does connotative vocabulary express attitudinal interpersonal meaning? What are the special aspects of this interpersonal resource?
Based on the appraisal theory, this paper makes a contrastive analysis of attitudinal and interpersonal meanings of English and Chinese color words, which have connotative meanings in specific contexts from the perspective of linguistics. The Chinese Linguistics Research Center of Beijing University; the English corpus is derived from the modern English Chinese comprehensive dictionary.
The full text aims to answer the following three questions:
(1) how do target English and Chinese color words embody their attitudes and interpersonal meanings in specific contexts?
(2) what is special about the evaluation potential of target color words in English and Chinese compared with the typical evaluation resources?
(3) What are the similarities and differences between the attitudinal interpersonal meanings of target English and Chinese color words in specific contexts?
In the part of corpus analysis, according to the principle of text coherence, context, cultural or metaphorical sources of associative meanings of English and Chinese color words, we analyze the interpersonal attitudinal meanings of target color words in specific contexts.
Through careful corpus analysis, we can draw the following conclusions:
1. Color words have a strong cultural dependence when they exert their evaluation potential. The different valuations of each color word in different cultures lead to the different localization of each color word in different language evaluation systems.
2. Compared with the typical evaluation resources, the evaluation meaning of color words is more dependent on the context, especially the socio-cultural context. Compared with the typical evaluation resources, the evaluation meaning of color words has a greater potential. The same color words may be divided into different attitude subsystems in different text contexts: emotion, judgment and appreciation. Compared with the typical evaluation resources, the sentence patterns involved in the evaluation of color words are less flexible.
3. When it comes to the common ground, color words in both Chinese and English texts can be used to judge and appreciate. On the other hand, color words in English texts have a greater evaluation potential than color words in Chinese texts. Besides serving as judgement and appreciation resources, color words in English texts can also serve as emotional resources to help writers/speakers. The evaluation value (positive or negative) of a color word is generally fixed in its own cultural background, but it may change with the change of cultural background - some color words play a positive role in Chinese discourse, but they play a negative role in English discourse; even if a color word in Chinese discourse. The overall appraisal values in English and Chinese texts may be consistent, but their specific Appraisal Meanings rarely overlap.
[Abstract]:Color words, as an indispensable part of the huge vocabulary system of human language, are widely permeated in all fields of people's life. On the one hand, language users can use color words directly to the object of color. On the other hand, language users can indirectly express their emotional involvement and subjective understanding of people, things or events by means of the connotative meaning of color words.
It is precisely because of such an inseparable link between color words and human life and the special usage of color words themselves that scholars at home and abroad have always regarded color words as one of their hot research subjects. The most prominent and mainstream research perspectives and contents are as follows: interpreting the origin and development of color words from a biological point of view; interpreting the ethnic differences of color words from an anthropological point of view; and interpreting the semantics of color words from a linguistic point of view. This paper will use the theory of evaluation to explore the interpersonal meaning of color words from a linguistic perspective.
In the 1990s, J.R. Martin proposed a lexical-centered "evaluation system" - a resource system for interpersonal meaning under the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics. However, in the book Evaluation Language, Martin and White only focus on typical explicit and implicit evaluation resources, and do not systematically classify the special interpersonal resources that Halliday once referred to as "connotative words". Some questions are raised: how does connotative vocabulary express attitudinal interpersonal meaning? What are the special aspects of this interpersonal resource?
Based on the appraisal theory, this paper makes a contrastive analysis of attitudinal and interpersonal meanings of English and Chinese color words, which have connotative meanings in specific contexts from the perspective of linguistics. The Chinese Linguistics Research Center of Beijing University; the English corpus is derived from the modern English Chinese comprehensive dictionary.
The full text aims to answer the following three questions:
(1) how do target English and Chinese color words embody their attitudes and interpersonal meanings in specific contexts?
(2) what is special about the evaluation potential of target color words in English and Chinese compared with the typical evaluation resources?
(3) What are the similarities and differences between the attitudinal interpersonal meanings of target English and Chinese color words in specific contexts?
In the part of corpus analysis, according to the principle of text coherence, context, cultural or metaphorical sources of associative meanings of English and Chinese color words, we analyze the interpersonal attitudinal meanings of target color words in specific contexts.
Through careful corpus analysis, we can draw the following conclusions:
1. Color words have a strong cultural dependence when they exert their evaluation potential. The different valuations of each color word in different cultures lead to the different localization of each color word in different language evaluation systems.
2. Compared with the typical evaluation resources, the evaluation meaning of color words is more dependent on the context, especially the socio-cultural context. Compared with the typical evaluation resources, the evaluation meaning of color words has a greater potential. The same color words may be divided into different attitude subsystems in different text contexts: emotion, judgment and appreciation. Compared with the typical evaluation resources, the sentence patterns involved in the evaluation of color words are less flexible.
3. When it comes to the common ground, color words in both Chinese and English texts can be used to judge and appreciate. On the other hand, color words in English texts have a greater evaluation potential than color words in Chinese texts. Besides serving as judgement and appreciation resources, color words in English texts can also serve as emotional resources to help writers/speakers. The evaluation value (positive or negative) of a color word is generally fixed in its own cultural background, but it may change with the change of cultural background - some color words play a positive role in Chinese discourse, but they play a negative role in English discourse; even if a color word in Chinese discourse. The overall appraisal values in English and Chinese texts may be consistent, but their specific Appraisal Meanings rarely overlap.
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