[Abstract]:Nowadays, international Chinese education is generally faced with the situation that students "have learned a lot and learn less", and one of the reasons for this dilemma is that students lack a large number of, extensive and meaningful reading. Unfortunately, the relevant theoretical construction and research is still lacking. From the Chinese textbooks compiled by the West China people in the 19th century, we find that people were consciously exploring the extensive reading teaching at that time: one of them is the "Biography of the contract" edited by Wade in "the Collection of languages from you". In view of this, the author makes a detailed study of the Biography of contract, the specific process is as follows. First of all, the compilation process, version information and general situation of the extensive reading material are introduced. Then, by comparing the Biography of the contract with the Book of the West Chamber, the rewriting of the book is analyzed and summarized systematically. Then, by means of quantitative research, the author contrasts the "contract biography" with the "continuous text" in the first edition of "language from you", and verifies the degree of implementation of the author's purpose with objective data. Then, according to the statistical results of objective data, the paper makes a detailed study of the appearance of the repeated sentences in the Biography of practice, which is the focus of this paper. Finally, the author summarizes the writing characteristics of the learning material and extracts its implications for the compilation of current extensive reading materials.
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