[Abstract]:Chinese unconditionally related complex sentences are composed of unconditionally related structures, while English expresses the concept of unconditionally related sentences in terms of both structure and vocabulary. Based on the analysis of interlanguage corpus, this paper sums up the common types of errors in the acquisition of this language point by students from English-speaking countries, designs test papers to verify the errors frequently occurring in the acquisition of this sentence pattern and analyzes them item by item.
Chapter One summarizes the previous studies on the expression of Chinese unconditional relational complex sentences and the application of special interrogatives in English.
In Chapter Two, the logic, semantic and formal features of Chinese unconditional relation complex sentences are expounded, and the similarities and differences between Chinese and English unconditional relation expressions are analyzed by means of contrastive analysis. It is easy for students to miss the use of the latter conjunctions when they transfer to Chinese, or to use the expressions of any, both, all, every, no, neither, none of the following nouns directly. Under the influence of the negative transfer within the target language, the students mistakenly confuse the compound usage of "Du" and "Ye" with its independent usage, resulting in the omission of the former. The sentences of relative complex sentences and concession complex sentences have different meanings, but the collocation of the latter conjunctions is sometimes the same, which results in the confusion of the two kinds of relative conjunctions.
Chapter three, through the analysis of the interlanguage corpus, sums up the common errors of omission, confusion and incorrect addition of antecedent and posterior conjunctions in the acquisition of this language point by English-speaking students, and then designs test papers according to the types of errors concluded, verifies the errors frequently occurring in the language point and analyzes them item by item.
In the fourth chapter, we put forward some countermeasures for teaching errors, which are easy to difficult, and effectively solve this teaching problem.
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