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发布时间:2018-10-05 21:04
【摘要】:二十世纪六十年代开始,随着社会语言学的兴起,以及西方国家妇女解放运动的发展,语言使用中的性别问题在语言研究中得到凸显,并且一直成为热门课题为本领域的学者们所关注。近半个世纪以来,虽然关于性别差异在语言使用中的表现的研究已经取得许多有价值的成果,但仍有许多问题有待深入探讨。相亲事件中话语风格的性别差异问题即为一例。 生理、心理、社会文化等因素是造成语言使用性别差异的重要因素。语言使用性别差异主要表现在语音、词汇和话语风格三个方面,而话语风格差异则更多和更深刻地表现在话语策略上。本文关注的是男女性别话语风格尤其是话语策略方面的差异表现,研究维度为言语的得体性(包括礼貌准则、幽默准则和克制准则)、对话中的合作与协调(涉及到话轮交替和话语的关联),,以及交际失误。 本文以现今中国内地最受大众欢迎的一档电视相亲节目《我们约会吧》中男女嘉宾的对话为语料。为了保证研究更为全面和客观,作者融合定性分析、定量分析以及对比分析的研究方法,分别对2012年5月5日和8月1日这两期节目的转写语料进行系统的描述与分析。 研究结果表明在言语的得体性上,女性言语比男性的更符合礼貌准则的要求,对于礼貌的维护也比男性更加自觉。正是由于女性对礼貌、和谐的较高要求,使得女性更多地遵守克制准则。在不同语境中,克制的程度和结果有所不同,既可能表现为沉默无声,也可能表现为讽刺和挖苦。另外,两性在谈话的幽默感方面有比较明显的差异。男性通常是幽默故事或笑话的讲演者,女性则通常为被动的听众。在体现对话中的合作与协调的两个重要指标上:话轮交替和对话中的沉默,两性的表现也各不相同。女性在交谈中比男性更加合作,她们更能自觉地遵守话轮交替的规则;男性则经常以打断对方话头的方式强占谈话的主动权,破坏话轮转换的规则。女性对话中的沉默主要是对自己负面情绪的克制,防止他人面子受损;男性的沉默则多为思考或表达拒绝。由于两性理解和表达重点的不同,以及在合作与协调方面的不同表现,造成了交际失误的产生。这些失误的出现也进一步说明了两性在话语风格中的显著差异。 本文旨在探索新语境下话语风格中性别差异在话语策略方面的表现。本文的研究将有助于拓展和深化语言与性别问题的相关研究。
[Abstract]:Since the 1960s, with the rise of sociolinguistics and the development of women's liberation movement in western countries, the gender problem in language use has been highlighted in language research. And has been a hot topic for the field of scholars to pay attention to. In the past half century, although many valuable achievements have been made in the study of gender differences in language use, there are still many problems to be deeply explored. A case in point is the gender differences in discourse styles in dating events. Physiological, psychological, sociocultural and other factors are important factors causing gender differences in language use. Gender differences in language use are mainly reflected in three aspects: pronunciation, vocabulary and discourse style, while the differences in discourse styles are more and more profound in discourse strategies. This paper focuses on the gender differences in discourse styles, especially in discourse strategies. The dimension of this study is the appropriateness of speech (including politeness criteria). Principles of humor and restraint), cooperation and coordination in dialogue (relating to the turn of conversation and the relevance of discourse), and communication errors. This article is based on the dialogue between male and female guests in one of the most popular TV dating programs in mainland China. In order to ensure that the research is more comprehensive and objective, the author combines qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and comparative analysis to describe and analyze the transliteration data of May 5 and August 1, 2012 respectively. The results show that in terms of the appropriateness of speech, women's speech is more consistent with the requirement of politeness than that of men, and the maintenance of politeness is more conscious than that of men. It is because of women's higher demand for politeness and harmony that women abide by restraint rules more often. In different contexts, the degree and result of restraint are different, which can be either silent, sarcastic or sarcastic. In addition, there are significant differences in the sense of humor between the two sexes. Men are usually speakers of humorous stories or jokes, while women are usually passive listeners. In terms of two important indicators of cooperation and coordination in dialogue: alternation of conversation and silence in dialogue, the performance of both sexes is different. Women are more cooperative than men in conversations, they are more conscious of following the rules of rotation, while men often take the initiative by interrupting each other's conversation, breaking the rules of turn switching. The silence in the female dialogue is mainly to restrain the negative emotion of oneself and prevent others from losing face, while the silence of the male is mostly to think or express his refusal. Due to the differences in understanding and expression between the two sexes, as well as in cooperation and coordination, communication errors occur. The occurrence of these errors further explains the significant differences between the two sexes in discourse style. The purpose of this paper is to explore the gender differences in discourse style in the new context. This study will help to expand and deepen the research on language and gender issues.


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