[Abstract]:As a distinctive lexical group in Chinese lexical system, allusions not only inject fresh allusions into people's language creation, but also enrich people's cultural connotations. With the development of the times and historical test, some allusions are still active in social communication, while others are gradually forgotten from people's memory. For a long time, allusions have been concerned by scholars, but the focus of attention is mainly on rhetoric, semantics and sources, and there is little discussion about the current situation and development trend of allusions. This paper attempts to carry out research from this relatively new field, to analyze the use of allusions with specific data, and to provide a practical reference for the comprehensive study of allusion words. The research idea of this paper is to establish the research object first, that is to say, take all the allusion words included in the Modern Chinese Dictionary ([6] Edition) as the object of investigation; The second step is to establish a lexical list of allusion words, which includes the data distribution range of each allusion word retrieved from the CCL corpus of Peking University, the frequency of occurrence and the general degree calculated by the standard formula. The third step is to divide the generality of allusions into four levels according to the general degree value and then analyze their differences and causes according to the level distribution. Finally, the present situation of the use of allusions is summarized through lexical analysis, and their future development trend is speculated. In general, the research in this paper is carried out according to the idea of overlapping and logical clarity. It not only generalizes the object of study, but also integrates the knowledge of language, history, psychology and so on, in order to accomplish the research results scientifically. At the end of the article, the author starts from the research and innovation, determines the further innovation plan, hopes to make a breakthrough on the basis of inheritance, and strives to be scientific and rigorous. However, the author's academic level is still shallow, please correct the shortcomings of the reader.
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