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发布时间:2018-11-16 09:06
【摘要】:《红楼梦》是成书于清代乾隆年间即十八世纪中叶的一部章回小说。在白话文的发展史上《红楼梦》的地位举足轻重,上承近代,下启现代。语气词是汉语语法系统中非常重要的一个词类。汉语语气词古今差异巨大,文言语气词和白话语气词明显不同。但在从上古文言到现代白话的演变中,语气词有一个明显的蜕变过程。《红楼梦》在这个过程中扮演了重要的角色。研究语气词在《红楼梦》一书的使用情况,确定《红楼梦》中语气词在汉语史中的地位是本项研究的主要内容。 本文在对《红楼梦》中的语气词进行详尽统计的基础上,对该书中的语气词按使用频率的不同以及历史发展趋势的不同作了分类,对书中的语气词系统进行了较为细致的描写分析,同时作适当的历时对比。主要从语用的角度论述了书中各语气词的用法,并探讨了有些语气词的历史来源及后来的发展,力图展现十八世纪中期语气词使用的全貌,了解明清时期语气词系统的发展完成情况。 本文主要分三个部分: 第一部分是《红楼梦》的简介以及以往有关语气词的研究概况。 第二部分是本文的主体部分。描写《红楼梦》语气词系统。逐个讨论出现在《红楼梦》中的语气词,包括他们的来源、用法以及彼此间的联系。 第三部分是结论。
[Abstract]:A Dream of Red Mansions is a novel written in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty in the middle of the eighteenth century. In the history of the development of vernacular writing, A Dream of Red Mansions plays an important role. Mood word is a very important part of speech in Chinese grammar system. There are great differences between ancient and modern Chinese mood words, and there are obvious differences between classical Chinese mood words and vernacular mood words. However, in the evolution from ancient classical Chinese to modern vernacular, modal words have an obvious process of transformation, and A Dream of Red Mansions plays an important role in this process. The main content of this study is to study the use of mood words in the book A Dream of Red Mansions and to determine the status of mood words in the history of Chinese. Based on the detailed statistics of the mood words in A Dream of Red Mansions, this paper classifies the mood words in the book according to the different frequency of use and the different trends of historical development. The system of mood words in the book is described and analyzed in detail, and a proper diachronic comparison is made. This paper mainly discusses the usage of mood words in the book from the perspective of pragmatics, and probes into the historical origin and later development of some mood words, and tries to show the whole picture of the use of mood words in the middle of the eighteenth century. Understand the completion of the development of mood word system during the Ming and Qing dynasties. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is a brief introduction of A Dream of Red Mansions and a survey of previous studies on mood words. The second part is the main part of this paper. Describe the system of mood words in A Dream of Red Mansions. Discuss the mood words appearing in A Dream of Red Mansions one by one, including their origin, usage and relationship. The third part is the conclusion.


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