发布时间:2018-11-26 07:47
【摘要】:本文以耒阳方言为研究对象,通过文献查找、问卷调查、数据统计等方式,以性别、年龄、职业、学历为四个变量,从社会语言学的视角考察了方言中的四个句式,即比较句、疑问句、处置句和双宾句。在对四个句式的调查分析后,,得出“年龄、学历的差异是造成耒阳方言变化的主要原因”、“耒阳市方言的变化与普通话的推广和方言间的接触有着密切联系”、“耒阳方言的语言变化趋势是不断简化”这三个结论。 全文总共分为六个部分。第一部分介绍了选题的背景、研究现状和价值,并对本文调查问卷的设计进行了说明,第二部分至第五部分重点分析了这四个句式变化的形式、变化的程度,并解释了其产生变化的原因,第六部分是结语。
[Abstract]:This article takes Leiyang dialect as the research object, through literature search, questionnaire survey, data statistics, sex, age, occupation, education as four variables, from the perspective of sociolinguistics to examine the dialect of four sentence patterns, that is, comparative sentences, Question sentence, disposition sentence and double object sentence. After investigating and analyzing the four sentence patterns, it is concluded that "the difference of age and educational background is the main reason for the change of Leiyang dialect", "the change of Leiyang dialect is closely related to the popularization of Putonghua and the contact between dialects". The three conclusions are that the tendency of language change in Leiyang dialect is continuous simplification. The full text is divided into six parts altogether. The first part introduces the background, research status and value of the topic, and describes the design of the questionnaire. The second to fifth parts focus on the analysis of the changes of the four sentence patterns, the degree of change. And explain the reasons for its change, the sixth part is the conclusion.
[Abstract]:This article takes Leiyang dialect as the research object, through literature search, questionnaire survey, data statistics, sex, age, occupation, education as four variables, from the perspective of sociolinguistics to examine the dialect of four sentence patterns, that is, comparative sentences, Question sentence, disposition sentence and double object sentence. After investigating and analyzing the four sentence patterns, it is concluded that "the difference of age and educational background is the main reason for the change of Leiyang dialect", "the change of Leiyang dialect is closely related to the popularization of Putonghua and the contact between dialects". The three conclusions are that the tendency of language change in Leiyang dialect is continuous simplification. The full text is divided into six parts altogether. The first part introduces the background, research status and value of the topic, and describes the design of the questionnaire. The second to fifth parts focus on the analysis of the changes of the four sentence patterns, the degree of change. And explain the reasons for its change, the sixth part is the conclusion.
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