[Abstract]:In recent years, there have been more and more studies on the texts of ethnic literature in China, but the readers of ethnic literature outside the texts lack due attention. Based on the role of readers' response theory in the integrity of literary discourse, this paper adopts two dimensions: China and the West, academic and popular. This paper classifies the readers of the ethnic minority literature "settling the dust" and its English version of "Red Poppy" into four matrices, collects and sorts out the post-reading comments of the four groups of readers on the novel by using abundant network resources. Based on the discourse theory of N. Fairclough and M. Foucault, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the commentary discourse of the four groups of readers, and discusses in detail the differences and commonalities of the four groups of readers in the interpretation of the text. From the perspective of cultural discourse, the readers of different discourse backgrounds can interpret the text from different angles of view. Through the detailed data analysis, this paper finds that the readers, the popular readers and the academic researchers in China and the West are different from each other in the perspective of the novel. It is concluded that Chinese and western readers are biased by cultural discourse environmental factors in the process of interpreting Tibetan culture through the text. By analyzing its causes, it provides a new way of thinking for solving the misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication, especially for resolving the differences and conflicts existing in the understanding of Tibet between Chinese and Western audiences. To reach the communication and mutual understanding between Chinese and western readers' discourse through the channel of reading and communication of novel texts.
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