发布时间:2018-12-13 05:09
【摘要】:本文在研究的过程中,利用文献资料法、个案分析法、描述性研究法、定性及定量分析法等研究方法,对对外汉字教学文化导入过程中,文化导入的原则、文化导入的内容、文化导入方法等相关问题进行了分析。 并根据教材《汉语会话301句》中的100个包含有文化内容的汉字,进行了对外汉字文化导入的教学设计。设计的具体内容包括:对外汉字文化导入的教学需求分析、教学对象分析、教学目标的确定、教学内容分析、教学方法的选择以及教学课件的制作等几个方面。为对外汉字文化导入教学活动提供了一定的参考和借鉴。 除此之外,本文还针对研究的需要,进行了对外汉字教学文化导入的个案研究。在开展个案研究的过程中,本文选取了教学研究对象共48人,这48名学生均来自于英美两国,学生母语均为印欧语系,平均年龄在22-25周岁,男女性别比例基本平衡。汉语水平均为初级学习阶段。教材选用北京语言大学出版社出版的《汉语会话301句》。研究过程中的语料来源主要为:跟踪录音、课堂笔记、练习本以及访谈四种。经过历时8个月的研究发现:通过对外汉字文化导入教学,留学生在汉字的书写和结构的掌握方面有所提升,而且书写错误率也明显降低,对与汉字有关的故事的期待和兴趣明显提升,学生能够更加准确、恰当地利用所学习的汉语来表达自己的思想和观点,能够更顺畅的利用汉语与周围的人进行沟通和交际。自身的汉语学习能力也得到了有效的提升。
[Abstract]:In the course of the research, this paper makes use of the methods of literature, case analysis, descriptive research, qualitative and quantitative analysis and so on, to analyze the principles and contents of culture introduction in the process of Chinese character teaching. The related problems such as the method of culture introduction are analyzed. According to the 100 Chinese characters with cultural content in the textbook, 301 sentences of Chinese conversation, the teaching design of introducing foreign Chinese characters culture is carried out. The specific contents of the design include: the analysis of the teaching demand, the analysis of the teaching object, the determination of the teaching goal, the analysis of the teaching content, the choice of the teaching method and the making of the teaching courseware. It provides a certain reference and reference for the teaching activities of introducing Chinese character culture to foreign countries. In addition, according to the needs of the study, this paper carries out a case study on the introduction of foreign Chinese character teaching culture. In the course of carrying out the case study, this paper selects 48 teaching research subjects. The 48 students are from the United States and the United States. The students' mother tongue is Indo-European department, the average age is 22-25 years old, the sex ratio of male and female is basically balanced. The level of Chinese is at the primary stage of study. The teaching material is 301 sentences of Chinese conversation published by Beijing language and language University Press. In the course of the study, the main sources of corpus are: tracking recording, classroom notes, exercise books and interviews. After eight months of research, it was found that through the introduction of Chinese character culture to foreign countries, foreign students have improved in the writing and structure of Chinese characters, and the rate of writing errors has also been significantly reduced. The expectation and interest of the stories related to Chinese characters are obviously enhanced, students can use the Chinese language to express their thoughts and opinions more accurately and appropriately, and can use Chinese to communicate and communicate with the people around them more smoothly. Their own Chinese learning ability has also been effectively improved.
[Abstract]:In the course of the research, this paper makes use of the methods of literature, case analysis, descriptive research, qualitative and quantitative analysis and so on, to analyze the principles and contents of culture introduction in the process of Chinese character teaching. The related problems such as the method of culture introduction are analyzed. According to the 100 Chinese characters with cultural content in the textbook, 301 sentences of Chinese conversation, the teaching design of introducing foreign Chinese characters culture is carried out. The specific contents of the design include: the analysis of the teaching demand, the analysis of the teaching object, the determination of the teaching goal, the analysis of the teaching content, the choice of the teaching method and the making of the teaching courseware. It provides a certain reference and reference for the teaching activities of introducing Chinese character culture to foreign countries. In addition, according to the needs of the study, this paper carries out a case study on the introduction of foreign Chinese character teaching culture. In the course of carrying out the case study, this paper selects 48 teaching research subjects. The 48 students are from the United States and the United States. The students' mother tongue is Indo-European department, the average age is 22-25 years old, the sex ratio of male and female is basically balanced. The level of Chinese is at the primary stage of study. The teaching material is 301 sentences of Chinese conversation published by Beijing language and language University Press. In the course of the study, the main sources of corpus are: tracking recording, classroom notes, exercise books and interviews. After eight months of research, it was found that through the introduction of Chinese character culture to foreign countries, foreign students have improved in the writing and structure of Chinese characters, and the rate of writing errors has also been significantly reduced. The expectation and interest of the stories related to Chinese characters are obviously enhanced, students can use the Chinese language to express their thoughts and opinions more accurately and appropriately, and can use Chinese to communicate and communicate with the people around them more smoothly. Their own Chinese learning ability has also been effectively improved.
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