[Abstract]:In recent years, under the influence of the "Chinese craze", overseas Chinese language education has made great progress. With the development of modern network technology, people are becoming more and more aware of the importance of modern education technology in the training of overseas Chinese teachers, and begin to actively explore the application of modern network technology in overseas Chinese teachers' training. This study uses the literature research method to analyze the research of the combination of social network technology and teacher training at home and abroad, summarizes the current research situation of the application of WeChat in the field of education, and puts forward the research content of this research. That is to explore the application of WeChat public platform in Chinese language teachers. The research first analyzes the application of WeChat public platform in the Chinese language teaching group from the point of view of necessity and feasibility, and then combines the constructivism learning theory and the principle of mobile instructional design. This paper puts forward the design concept of "Chinese teacher Learning Community" based on WeChat public platform, and designs the functional modules of the learning community, including Chinese knowledge, Chinese teaching knowledge and skills, and interactive community. Each module has different sub-modules: the Chinese knowledge module includes five sub-modules; Chinese language teaching knowledge and skills include 4 submodules and interactive communities include 3 submodules. Finally, the use and management process of Chinese teacher Learning Community is demonstrated, and the feedback of community members is analyzed. The most important innovation and achievement of this study is the design and application of the "Learning Community of Chinese Teachers". Through this platform, the vast majority of Chinese teachers can not only learn about the Chinese language knowledge, but also the teaching knowledge and skills of the Chinese language. Also can carry on the real-time interaction in this platform, exchange the teaching experience and so on. The construction of the platform not only provides an example of the design of WeChat public platform for our college and other institutions engaged in the training of Chinese teachers, but also provides a new way of thinking for the diversification of the ways of training Chinese teachers. With the application and promotion of the WeChat public platform, it will play an important role in the training of Chinese language teachers. Although there are still some problems in the "Chinese teacher Learning Community", the author will continue to perfect the construction and application of the community in the follow-up study.
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