[Abstract]:The "eat X" structure is a well-known language structure and is widely used in people's verbal communication process. However, in recent years, whether it is the Internet or other media, An idiomatic structure of "eat X", which contains new semantics, gradually appears in people's view, is widely spread, and plays a very important role in language communication. As we know, the emergence of a new semantic is verified in the specific language environment. Therefore, the focus of this study is on the pragmatic analysis of the idiomatic "eat X" structure. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the pragmatic features and usage characteristics of the structure. Based on the three plane theories of structuralism in syntax, semantics and pragmatics, this paper describes and interprets the idiomatic structure of "eat X" by using the linguistic theory of context in pragmatics. Firstly, the structure of "eat X-rice" is defined to exclude the objects that do not conform to the meaning of literature. Finally, the structure of "eat X-rice", which expresses the idiom, is regarded as the object of this paper. Secondly, the synchronic angle is used as the reference point to describe and explain the idiomatic structure of "eat X" from three aspects: syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Emphasis is placed on the features of idiomatic "eating X-rice" structure in the process of language use. Thirdly, this paper investigates the causes and development of idiomatic "eating X-rice" structure from a diachronic point of view. The effective combination of synchronic and diachronic presents the syntactic and pragmatic features of the idiomatic "eat X" structure. It is hoped that the combination of the two can accurately describe the characteristics of the idiomatic "eat X meal" structure in its continuous development and perfection, and then reveal the reasons for the different semantic features of the same structure in a certain period of time.
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