[Abstract]:The antagonism of arbitrariness and iconicity of linguistic symbols runs through the whole history of language research. The arguments about them can be traced back to Plato Aristotle's period. Iconicity theory, as the focus of contemporary academia, occupies a more and more important position in contemporary linguistics. As an important feature of language, iconicity theory refers to all kinds of similar motivation phenomena between linguistic form and objective world, empirical structure, cognitive style, conceptual system and expressed meaning. Iconicity exists at all levels of language. At present, there are many researches on iconicity in phonetics, vocabulary and syntax. Although there are many studies on the discourse level, most of them focus on the representation of object iconicity at the text level, and few scholars begin to study the application of object iconicity in text understanding. The purpose of this thesis is to study text comprehension, especially the influence of iconicity theory on text understanding. Iconicity theory plays an important role in discourse understanding. Only by fully mastering the iconicity theory can we understand the cognitive process of discourse understanding. This study first discusses the theoretical basis of iconicity theory, including the development history of iconicity theory, the concept of iconicity theory and the classification of iconicity theory. Then it discusses the embodiment of iconicity theory at the lexical, syntactic and textual levels. At the lexical level, the author mainly studies the formation of words, discusses the embodiment of the iconicity principle at the syntactic level, and discusses the principles of iconicity at the syntactic level. At the textual level, not only the embodiment of the iconicity principle in the text is studied, but also the development of the different themes of the text is discussed. The discussion of these three aspects lays the foundation for the construction of discourse comprehension model. Based on these three aspects, this paper constructs a model of discourse understanding from the perspective of iconicity, and further explains the model with the help of corpus analysis, which provides a new way for learners to improve their ability to understand text.
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