[Abstract]:Nowadays, environmental protection has become a fashion. With the continuous development of society and the continuous improvement of national quality, the awareness of Chinese people to protect the environment is also increasing. Among them, ecological environmental protection slogans guide people to protect the environment and improve the awareness of Chinese people to protect the environment. It plays a very important role. The research object of this paper is Chinese ecological environmental protection slogan, which mainly uses linguistic theoretical knowledge, combined with the knowledge of cognitive psychology and social investigation and other related disciplines, and tries to make a systematic and comprehensive investigation and research on ecological environmental protection slogan. And as complete as possible to present the general situation of ecological environmental protection slogans. In this paper, the ecological environmental protection slogans are investigated from the following aspects. In the first chapter, we first sort out the research status of ecological environmental protection slogans. The second chapter points out the definition and research category of ecological environmental protection slogans, analyzes the concepts of slogans and slogans, advertising words, signs, propaganda words, warning signs and so on, and defines the ecological environmental protection slogans. In the third chapter, we investigate the classification and characteristics of ecological environmental protection slogans, we classify ecological environmental protection slogans from different angles of sentence category, language style and speech act, investigate the characteristics of ecological environmental protection slogans, and analyze their rhetorical characteristics. Lexical and grammatical features, etc. In the fourth chapter, we collect and sort out the ecological environmental protection slogans by way of investigation, and investigate the audience's attention, understanding and acceptance of the ecological environmental protection slogans by means of questionnaires. Based on these surveys, We put forward the creative principles and development trend of ecological environmental protection slogans. Finally, we investigate the existing value and pragmatic norms of ecological environmental protection slogans, and further analyze the pragmatic functions, pragmatic strategies and norms of ecological environmental protection slogans. Based on some problems existing in the current terms of ecological environmental protection slogans, this paper also puts forward some normative suggestions to provide some references for the creation of ecological environmental protection slogans.
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