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发布时间:2019-06-21 09:12
[Abstract]:In this paper, all the attribute words in Modern Chinese Dictionary (Fifth and sixth Edition) are taken as the research object, and through the quantitative statistics and qualitative analysis of these attribute words, it is considered that the so-called "attribute words" are not just a kind of words, whether derived from the theory of parts of speech or proved by statistical facts. In fact, there is no unified and differentiated grammatical function that brings attribute words into the modern Chinese part of speech system to become an independent part of speech, and attribute words should not be attached to adjectives. Therefore, there are problems in the part-of-speech system of Modern Chinese. Through our study, it is found that the grammatical functions of 215 attribute words in present Chinese can be divided into three categories according to their attributives: the main function is attributive, the main function is not attributive, but only attributive. Under the large categories, they can be further divided into various subcategories according to their grammatical and semantic characteristics. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the grammatical functions of all attribute words, this paper reclassifies all attribute words into nouns, adjectives, verbs, distinguishing words, quantitative words and other words. In view of this, we suggest that the category of "attribute words" should be abolished and the part of speech system of dictionaries should be reorganized in order to make the part of speech system of "present Chinese" more perfect and make its part of speech tagging work more scientific and standardized. At the end of the article, this paper studies and analyzes the causes and development of these attribute words.


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