发布时间:2021-01-18 18:53
因果关系和条件关系在日常生活中有着重要的意义。很多学者都对因果复句和条件复句做过研究。以往的研究大多是从认知语用、语义、句法和语料库等角度来探索因果句、条件句以及两者之的关系。Sander et al.(1992)认为条件句是因果句的一个次范畴。Hoek et al.(2017)研究表明因果句比条件句更易于使用隐性的表达方式,且易于理解的衔接关系通常使用隐性的表达方式。读者在理解条件句的时候需要一个心理空间的转换,即从潜藏的现实的空间转向明显的假设的空间。我们发现前人较少研究实据因果句和实据条件句,且理论研究居多而实证研究相对较少。根据廖巧云(2004)和徐盛桓(2004)对因果句和条件句的分类,本文采用ERPs技术,用心理空间理论(Fauconnier,1985)来解释加工实据因果句和实据条件句时所呈现出来的认知差异,研究问题是:加工实据因果句和实据条件句的认知差异表现在哪里?本实验完成于四川外国语大学外语学习认知神经实验室,共有20名来自四川外国语大学英语专业的研究生作为被试参加实验。本实验采用单因素双水平被试内设计,实验材料为汉语,句子内部的呈现方式为按意群呈现,所有实验材料随机...
【文章页数】:100 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Objective
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Significance of the Present Study
1.5 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 ERPs and Language Research
2.1.1 A Brief Introduction of ERPs Technique
2.1.2 ERPs Component Related to the Present Study
2.2 Causals and Conditionals Revisited
2.2.1 Causals
2.2.2 Conditionals
2.3 Mental Space Theory
2.4 Previous Studies on Causals and Conditionals
2.4.1 Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach to Causals and Conditionals
2.4.2 Eye Movement Studies
2.4.3 Reaction Time Studies
2.4.4 ERPs Studies
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Method
3.3.1 Participants
3.3.2 Materials
3.3.3 Instruments
3.3.4 Procedures
3.4 Off-line Analysis of Data
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Behavioral Results
4.3 ERPs Results
4.3.1 Slow Wave in the Time Window of 1000ms-3200ms
4.3.2 Slow Wave in the Time Window of 1000ms-2200ms
4.3.3 Slow Wave in the Time Window of 2200ms-3200ms
4.4 Discussions
4.4.1 Behavioral Data in Processing Evidential Causals and Evidential Conditionals
4.4.2 Slow Wave Differences of Processing Evidential Causals and Evidential Conditionals with Respect to Semantic processing
4.4.3 Mental Shifting Involved in Comprehending of Evidential Conditionals
4.4.4 Brain Areas in Processing Evidential Causals and Evidential Conditionals
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusions
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations of the Current Study and Suggestions for the Future Study
Appendix Ⅰ The Profile of Subject
Appendix Ⅱ Instruction and Materials
[1]汉语条件句的构式化和历时演变[J]. 徐式婧. 古汉语研究. 2017(03)
[2]不同类汉语因果复句通达的反应时研究[J]. 廖巧云,王鲁男,孟利君,姜孟. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2015(06)
[3]汉语条件句的句法表现[J]. 王春辉. 中国社会科学院研究生院学报. 2011(02)
[4]汉语条件句小句间的语序类型[J]. 王春辉. 世界汉语教学. 2010(04)
[5]汉语条件句标记及其语序类型[J]. 王春辉. 语言科学. 2010(03)
[6]英语实据因果句生成机理研究[J]. 廖巧云. 现代外语. 2008(03)
[7]英语实据因果句与溯因推理[J]. 廖巧云. 四川外语学院学报. 2007(04)
[8]英语因果复句的认知语法研究[J]. 牛保义. 现代外语. 2006(04)
[9]英语原因句的嬗变[J]. 徐盛桓,李淑静. 外语学刊. 2005(01)
[10]逻辑与实据——英语IF条件句研究的一种理论框架[J]. 徐盛桓. 现代外语. 2004(04)
【文章页数】:100 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Objective
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Significance of the Present Study
1.5 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 ERPs and Language Research
2.1.1 A Brief Introduction of ERPs Technique
2.1.2 ERPs Component Related to the Present Study
2.2 Causals and Conditionals Revisited
2.2.1 Causals
2.2.2 Conditionals
2.3 Mental Space Theory
2.4 Previous Studies on Causals and Conditionals
2.4.1 Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach to Causals and Conditionals
2.4.2 Eye Movement Studies
2.4.3 Reaction Time Studies
2.4.4 ERPs Studies
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Method
3.3.1 Participants
3.3.2 Materials
3.3.3 Instruments
3.3.4 Procedures
3.4 Off-line Analysis of Data
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Behavioral Results
4.3 ERPs Results
4.3.1 Slow Wave in the Time Window of 1000ms-3200ms
4.3.2 Slow Wave in the Time Window of 1000ms-2200ms
4.3.3 Slow Wave in the Time Window of 2200ms-3200ms
4.4 Discussions
4.4.1 Behavioral Data in Processing Evidential Causals and Evidential Conditionals
4.4.2 Slow Wave Differences of Processing Evidential Causals and Evidential Conditionals with Respect to Semantic processing
4.4.3 Mental Shifting Involved in Comprehending of Evidential Conditionals
4.4.4 Brain Areas in Processing Evidential Causals and Evidential Conditionals
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusions
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations of the Current Study and Suggestions for the Future Study
Appendix Ⅰ The Profile of Subject
Appendix Ⅱ Instruction and Materials
[1]汉语条件句的构式化和历时演变[J]. 徐式婧. 古汉语研究. 2017(03)
[2]不同类汉语因果复句通达的反应时研究[J]. 廖巧云,王鲁男,孟利君,姜孟. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2015(06)
[3]汉语条件句的句法表现[J]. 王春辉. 中国社会科学院研究生院学报. 2011(02)
[4]汉语条件句小句间的语序类型[J]. 王春辉. 世界汉语教学. 2010(04)
[5]汉语条件句标记及其语序类型[J]. 王春辉. 语言科学. 2010(03)
[6]英语实据因果句生成机理研究[J]. 廖巧云. 现代外语. 2008(03)
[7]英语实据因果句与溯因推理[J]. 廖巧云. 四川外语学院学报. 2007(04)
[8]英语因果复句的认知语法研究[J]. 牛保义. 现代外语. 2006(04)
[9]英语原因句的嬗变[J]. 徐盛桓,李淑静. 外语学刊. 2005(01)
[10]逻辑与实据——英语IF条件句研究的一种理论框架[J]. 徐盛桓. 现代外语. 2004(04)