发布时间:2021-06-29 06:59
【文章来源】:中国石油大学(华东)山东省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:66 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Culture and Intercultural Communication
2.1 About Culture
2.1.1 Definitions of Culture
2.1.2 Functions of Culture
2.1.3 Characteristics of Culture
2.2 About Communication
2.2.1 Definition of Communication
2.2.2 Components of Communication
2.3 About Intercultural Communication
2.3.1 Definition of Intercultural Communication
2.3.2 The Paradox of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 3 An Overview of the Prototype Theory
3.1 Category and Categorization
3.2 The Classical Theory of Categorization
3.3 The Prototype Theory
3.3.1 Wittgenstein
3.3.2 Labov
3.3.3 Berlin & Kay
3.3.4 Rosch
3.4 The Main Features of Prototype Category
3.4.1 Family Resemblance
3.4.2 Graded Degree of Typicality
3.4.3 Fuzzy Boundaries
3.4.4 Context-dependency of Prototype
Chapter 4 Cultural Stereotype in Intercultural Communication
4.1 Definitions of Cultural Stereotype
4.2 Classification of Cultural Stereotype
4.3 Characteristics of Cultural Stereotype
4.3.1 Universality
4.3.2 Overgeneralization
4.3.3 Stability
4.3.4 Variability
4.4 The Sources of Cultural Stereotype
4.4.1 Socialization
4.4.2 The Media
4.4.3 Personal Factors
4.5 The Effects of Cultural Stereotype on Intercultural Communication
4.5.1 Negative Effects
4.5.2 Positive Effects
4.5.3 Widely-accepted Opinions on Cultural Stereotype
Chapter 5 The Prototypical Analysis of Cultural Stereotype
5.1 Cultural Stereotype — a Complex Form of Categorization
5.2 The Main Features of a Group Membership Category
5.3 Cultural Stereotype as the Prototype of a Group Membership Category
5.4 Context-dependency of Cultural Stereotype
5.4.1 Constitution of Intercultural Communicative Context
5.4.2 Cultural Context-dependency of Cultural Stereotype Political Background Close Contact The Media Open Mind
5.5 The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Cultural Stereotype
5.5.1 Change in Attitudes Toward the Group as a Whole
5.5.2 Increased Complexity of Intergroup Perceptions
5.5.3 Decategorization
5.5.4 Recategorization
Chapter 6 Implications and Suggestions for Intercultural Communication
6.1 The Changeability of Cultural Stereotype
6.2 The Changeability of the Sources of Cultural Stereotype
6.3 Reduction of Negative Sides of Cultural Stereotype in Intercultural Communication
6.3.1 Ethnocentrism
6.3.2 Prejudice and Discrimination
6.3.3 Intercultural Pragmatic Failure
6.4 Measures of Achieving Successful Intercultural Communication
6.4.1 Cultivating Intercultural Awareness
6.4.2 Enhancing Pragmatic Competence
Chapter 7 Conclusion
[1]跨文化交际中的文化定型及其积极心理效应[J]. 兰金帆,何木英. 西南农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2010(02)
[2]文化定势在跨文化交际中的影响[J]. 张艳,索永平. 山西师大学报(社会科学版). 2010(S1)
[3]跨文化交际中文化定型的认识与超越[J]. 王璐. 南京社会科学. 2008(10)
[4]原型范畴理论视域下的文化定势认知建构[J]. 贺琳,杨伶俐. 贵州工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(01)
[5]跨文化交际中文化定势的认知[J]. 拓欣,梁润生. 时代文学(双月上半月). 2008(01)
[6]跨文化交际中模式固见发展变化动态分析[J]. 李媛,范捷平. 外语教学与研究. 2007(02)
[7]文化语境与交际[J]. 张惠君,丁毅伟. 扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2006(05)
[8]从原型范畴理论看跨文化交际中的文化定势[J]. 罗小英. 武汉科技学院学报. 2006(06)
[9]跨文化交际中文化定势的认知研究[J]. 罗小英. 株洲工学院学报. 2006(03)
[10]跨文化交际中语境的顺应[J]. 赵耀. 长春理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2006(02)
[1]原型范畴下的拒绝言语行为[D]. 田秋月.北京林业大学 2009
[2]解析电影《巴别塔》中的文化定型现象[D]. 于淑静.东北林业大学 2009
[3]跨文化交际中文化定势的动态研究[D]. 周娜.中国石油大学 2009
[4]对跨文化交际中文化定型与偏见的研究[D]. 许晓洁.上海外国语大学 2007
[5]跨文化交际中心理定势的多维视角研究[D]. 刘叶红.长沙理工大学 2007
[6]跨文化语用视角下的动态语境研究[D]. 刘晶.湘潭大学 2006
【文章来源】:中国石油大学(华东)山东省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:66 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Culture and Intercultural Communication
2.1 About Culture
2.1.1 Definitions of Culture
2.1.2 Functions of Culture
2.1.3 Characteristics of Culture
2.2 About Communication
2.2.1 Definition of Communication
2.2.2 Components of Communication
2.3 About Intercultural Communication
2.3.1 Definition of Intercultural Communication
2.3.2 The Paradox of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 3 An Overview of the Prototype Theory
3.1 Category and Categorization
3.2 The Classical Theory of Categorization
3.3 The Prototype Theory
3.3.1 Wittgenstein
3.3.2 Labov
3.3.3 Berlin & Kay
3.3.4 Rosch
3.4 The Main Features of Prototype Category
3.4.1 Family Resemblance
3.4.2 Graded Degree of Typicality
3.4.3 Fuzzy Boundaries
3.4.4 Context-dependency of Prototype
Chapter 4 Cultural Stereotype in Intercultural Communication
4.1 Definitions of Cultural Stereotype
4.2 Classification of Cultural Stereotype
4.3 Characteristics of Cultural Stereotype
4.3.1 Universality
4.3.2 Overgeneralization
4.3.3 Stability
4.3.4 Variability
4.4 The Sources of Cultural Stereotype
4.4.1 Socialization
4.4.2 The Media
4.4.3 Personal Factors
4.5 The Effects of Cultural Stereotype on Intercultural Communication
4.5.1 Negative Effects
4.5.2 Positive Effects
4.5.3 Widely-accepted Opinions on Cultural Stereotype
Chapter 5 The Prototypical Analysis of Cultural Stereotype
5.1 Cultural Stereotype — a Complex Form of Categorization
5.2 The Main Features of a Group Membership Category
5.3 Cultural Stereotype as the Prototype of a Group Membership Category
5.4 Context-dependency of Cultural Stereotype
5.4.1 Constitution of Intercultural Communicative Context
5.4.2 Cultural Context-dependency of Cultural Stereotype Political Background Close Contact The Media Open Mind
5.5 The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Cultural Stereotype
5.5.1 Change in Attitudes Toward the Group as a Whole
5.5.2 Increased Complexity of Intergroup Perceptions
5.5.3 Decategorization
5.5.4 Recategorization
Chapter 6 Implications and Suggestions for Intercultural Communication
6.1 The Changeability of Cultural Stereotype
6.2 The Changeability of the Sources of Cultural Stereotype
6.3 Reduction of Negative Sides of Cultural Stereotype in Intercultural Communication
6.3.1 Ethnocentrism
6.3.2 Prejudice and Discrimination
6.3.3 Intercultural Pragmatic Failure
6.4 Measures of Achieving Successful Intercultural Communication
6.4.1 Cultivating Intercultural Awareness
6.4.2 Enhancing Pragmatic Competence
Chapter 7 Conclusion
[1]跨文化交际中的文化定型及其积极心理效应[J]. 兰金帆,何木英. 西南农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2010(02)
[2]文化定势在跨文化交际中的影响[J]. 张艳,索永平. 山西师大学报(社会科学版). 2010(S1)
[3]跨文化交际中文化定型的认识与超越[J]. 王璐. 南京社会科学. 2008(10)
[4]原型范畴理论视域下的文化定势认知建构[J]. 贺琳,杨伶俐. 贵州工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(01)
[5]跨文化交际中文化定势的认知[J]. 拓欣,梁润生. 时代文学(双月上半月). 2008(01)
[6]跨文化交际中模式固见发展变化动态分析[J]. 李媛,范捷平. 外语教学与研究. 2007(02)
[7]文化语境与交际[J]. 张惠君,丁毅伟. 扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2006(05)
[8]从原型范畴理论看跨文化交际中的文化定势[J]. 罗小英. 武汉科技学院学报. 2006(06)
[9]跨文化交际中文化定势的认知研究[J]. 罗小英. 株洲工学院学报. 2006(03)
[10]跨文化交际中语境的顺应[J]. 赵耀. 长春理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2006(02)
[1]原型范畴下的拒绝言语行为[D]. 田秋月.北京林业大学 2009
[2]解析电影《巴别塔》中的文化定型现象[D]. 于淑静.东北林业大学 2009
[3]跨文化交际中文化定势的动态研究[D]. 周娜.中国石油大学 2009
[4]对跨文化交际中文化定型与偏见的研究[D]. 许晓洁.上海外国语大学 2007
[5]跨文化交际中心理定势的多维视角研究[D]. 刘叶红.长沙理工大学 2007
[6]跨文化语用视角下的动态语境研究[D]. 刘晶.湘潭大学 2006