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发布时间:2021-08-12 14:36
  20世纪80年代末,构式语法开始兴起。构式语法的主要贡献者Goldberg对构式语法理论(construction grammar theory)中的主要观点进行了论述,在认知构式语法的经典论著Constructions一书中, Goldberg给出了这样的定义:“假如说,C是一个独立的构式,当且仅当C是一个形式(Fi)和意义(Si)的对应体,而无论是形式或意义的某些特征,都不能完全从C这个构式的组成成分或另外的先前已有的构式推知。” Goldberg(1995)进一步解释说,构式不仅包括传统意义上的范型,还包括具体的句子、短语,甚至自由语素和粘着语素等。一个构式是词汇意义和构式意义的结合。一个构式的词汇意义和构式意义会相互影响甚至相互遏制。本文将在构式语法的框架下将汉语”借”和英语“borrow/lend”进行对比研究。其实主要是对中英文的“借/(borrow/lend)”的词汇意义和构式意义的相似和不同进行对比研究。研究汉语”借”的一词多义现象和“borrow/lend”的一词多义现象的异同。从构式的角度分析”借”的构式的变化与语义变化的联系,以及“borrow/lend”的构式和... 

【文章来源】:吉林大学吉林省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:69 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Significance of the Research
    1.3 Research Questions
    1.4 The Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Research abroad
    2.2 Research at Home
    2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Background and Development of Construction Grammar
    3.2 A Critical Review of Goldberg's Construction Grammar
        3.2.1 Definition of Construction
        3.2.2 Viewpoints of Construction Grammar
Chapter Four Methodology of the Research
    4.1 Method of Contrastive Analysis
    4.2 Combination of Introspection and Empirical Research Methods
    4.3 Combination of System and Examples
    4.4 Collection of Data
Chapter Five A Contrastive Study of the Chinese word "jiè" and its English counterparts "borrow/lend" in Lexical Level
    5.1 Comparison of Polysemy between Chinese Polyseme "jiè"and English Polysemes "borrow/lend"
        5.1.1 polysemy and semantic chain theory
        5.1.2 Meanings of Chinese "jiè" and English "borrow/lend"
        5.1.3 A Contrastive Study between the chain pattern of Chinese polyseme "jiè" and English polysemes "borrow/lend"
        5.1.4 A Contrastive Study between the meanings of Chinese polyseme "jiè" and English polysemes “borrow/lend"
    5.2 Comparison in the level of word construction
        5.2.1 the Construction of Chinese Word “jiè”
   "V+N" bisyllabic construction and pluriyllabic construction
   "V+V" bisyllabic construction
   "Conj+Conj" bisyllabic construction
   "V+的" construction
        5.2.2 Derivatives of English word "borrow/lend"
        5.2.3 A Contrastive Study in the level of Word Formation
Chapter Six A Contrastive Study of the Chinese word “jiè” and English word "borrow/lend" in level of phrase
    6.1 "VN" construction of the Chinese word “jiè” and that of its English counterparts
    6.2 Ditransitive Construction of the Chinese word “jiè” and its counterparts "borrow/lend"
        6.2.1 Ditransitive Construction of the Chinese word “jiè”
        6.2.2 Ditransitive Construction of English word "borrow/lend"
        6.2.3 A Contrastive Study the Chinese word “jiè” and its English counterparts "borrow/lend" in the level of Ditransitive Construction
        6.2.4 A Contrastive Study in the Construction of the Chinese word “jiè” and English word "borrow/lend"in the level of Directionality
    6.3 "VV" construction of word “jiè” and its counterpart construction of "borrow/lend"
    6.4 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Main Findings
    7.2 Limitations

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