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发布时间:2022-02-20 18:17


【文章页数】:93 页


Chapter1 The development of Adjunct from models of Principles and Paramete to Minimalist Program
    1.1 Classification and necessity of Adjunct study
    1.2 The Minimalist Program—the latest development of generative grammar
    1.3 Summary
Chapter2 On the necessity of movement and merger
    2.1 Historical studies on movement and merger
        2.1.1 Epstein’s theory on necessity of movement and merger
        2.1.2 Brody’s Radically Minimalist theory
        2.1.3 Shima’s movement priority
        2.1.4 Chomsky’s merger priority in Bare Phrase Structure Theory
    2.2 The principle of Economy in Generalized Leftward Merger theory
        2.2.1 Economy of Derivation vs. Economy of Representation
        2.2.2 General Economy vs. Local Economy
    2.3 Alternating Operations on movement and merger
    2.4 Summary
Chapter3 Movement and merger of simple adjunct
    3.1 Larson’s account of Adjunct and a brief comment of Jackendoff’s theory
        3.1.1 Larson’s account of Adjunct
        3.1.2 The brief account of Jackendoff’s point of view on adjuncts
    3.2 Extraposition vs. non-movement
    3.3 GLMT: all move from right to left
    3.4 Analytical proof of merger and movement for simple Adjunct
    3.5 Summary
Chapter4 Movement and merger of the Complex Adjunct
    4.1 Checking and other features
    4.2 The starting point and order of merger for Multiple Adjunct
    4.3 The starting point and order of the merger for Complex Adjunct
        4.3.1 Chomsky’s DbP
        4.3.2 The movement and merger of complex adjunct/ the adjunct clause
    4.4 Summary
Chapter5 Merger, movement and change of the Chinese Adjunct
    5.1 Merger and movement of “在/于(zai/yu)”Adjuncts
    5.2 Merger and movement of “从(cong)”Adjuncts
    5.3 Merger and movement of “对(dui)”Adjuncts
    5.4 Merger and movement of “用(yong)”Adjuncts
    5.5 Merger and movement of “为/向(wei/xiang)”Adjuncts
    5.6 The study of adjuncts in repeating questions in Chinese
    5.7 The comparison between adjuncts in Chinese and adjuncts in English
    5.8 Summary
Chapter6 Discovering and shortcomings

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[2]以“的”为中心语的一些问题[J]. 邓思颖.  当代语言学. 2006(03)
[3]从英语限定性关系从句看“外置”与不移动[J]. 戴曼纯,高海英.  外语学刊. 2004(03)
[4]从不完美交际语到完美思维语的句法推导[J]. 宁春岩.  当代语言学. 2002(02)
[5]广义左向合并理论-来自附加语的证据[J]. 戴曼纯.  现代外语. 2002(02)
[6]论介词短语“在十处所”[J]. 范继淹.  语言研究. 1982(01)

[1]附加语的句法位置[D]. 彭家法.北京语言大学 2007




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