发布时间:2022-02-22 19:40
【文章页数】:68 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The research objectives and rationale of the thesis
1.2 Overview of the illustrative example translation research
1.3 The existing problems of the present study
1.4 Research methodologies
1.5 Structure of the thesis
Chapter 2 A Survey to the Illustrative Example Translation in the English-Chinese Learner's Dictionary
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Monolingual VS bilingual dictionary
2.3 The development of the bilingual dictionary
2.3.1 The budding of bilingual dictionaries
2.3.2 Early bilingual dictionaries
2.3.3 Dictionaries of classical language and modern language
2.4 Definition of illustrative example
2.5 Intentionality of illustrative example
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 Some traditional views
2.5.3 Descriptive approach
2.5.4 User-oriented approach
2.6 Proposed views on the functions of the illustrative example
2.6.1 Providing the typical contextual clues
2.6.2 Providing the collocations
2.6.3 Recording the grammatical features
2.6.4 Guiding the translation practice
2.7 Classification of the illustrative examples
2.7.1 Constructed example VS quoted example
2.7.2 Phrase example VS sentence example
2.8 Importance of translation of illustrative example in English-Chinese bilingual dictionary
2.9 Summary
Chapter 3 Contextual Theory and the Principle of functional Equivalence in Translation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 A general introduction to the context theory
3.2.1 Illustrative example translation on the perspective of context
3.2.2 Special characteristics of context in example translation
3.3 Nida's principle of functional equivalence
3.3.1 Functional equivalence and its implication for translation of example
3.3.2 Equivalence of semantic and syntactic features
3.3.3 Pragmatic equivalence
3.3.4 Equivalence of the rhetoric features
3.3.5 Equivalence of cultural feature
3.4 Principles for illustrative example translation
3.4.1 Holding the meaning potential of the entry items
3.4.2 Maintaining the original structural pattern
Chapter 4 The Distinctive Characteristics of Illustrative Example Translation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Differences between dictionary translation and literary translation
4.2.1 Difference between the translation background and translation unit
4.2.2 Pragmatic difference
4.2.3 Transaltion referentiality difference
4.2.4 Difference in expressive means
4.2.5 Differing in the expressive content
4.2.6 Different aesthetic principle
4.3 Three particularities of illustrative example text
4.3.1 Contextual insufficiency
4.3.2 Example as a language for special purpose
4.3.3 The systemic feature
4.4 Characteristics of example translation in bilingual dictionary
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2. Integrity of illustrative example translation
4.4.3. Entry item-based equivalence translation
4.4.4 Function-based equivalence translation
4.5 The deficiencies of the illustrative example translation
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 A Summary of the research
5.2 Distinctive features of the study
5.3 Limitations of the study
[1]英汉词典中例证翻译的象似性原则[J]. 陈丛梅. 西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2006(02)
[2]双语词典翻译的等值原则——兼谈双语词典翻译与文学翻译的区别[J]. 章宜华. 学术研究. 2003(05)
[3]意义-篇章模型及其释义功能[J]. 章宜华. 现代外语. 2002(01)
[4]词典交际论──关于词典本质问题的再探讨[J]. 雍和明. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2001(04)
[5]词典翻译与文学翻译对比研究初探[J]. 姜秋霞. 外语与外语教学. 2001(08)
[6]新世纪词典学理论研究趋势展望[J]. 魏向清,张柏然. 外语与外语教学. 2001(04)
[7]词典释义研究的沿革与发展趋向[J]. 章宜华,黄群英. 现代外语. 2000(04)
[8]英汉双解词典的编译[J]. 李北达. 辞书研究. 2000(05)
[9]关于双语词典评奖的几点思考[J]. 章宜华,黄建华. 辞书研究. 2000(04)
[10]词典评价标准十题[J]. 陈楚祥. 辞书研究. 1994(01)
[1]论英汉学习者词典的翻译[D]. 谢俊灵.厦门大学 2007
[2]英汉双语词典中例句翻译的研究[D]. 刘敏霞.广东外语外贸大学 2004
【文章页数】:68 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The research objectives and rationale of the thesis
1.2 Overview of the illustrative example translation research
1.3 The existing problems of the present study
1.4 Research methodologies
1.5 Structure of the thesis
Chapter 2 A Survey to the Illustrative Example Translation in the English-Chinese Learner's Dictionary
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Monolingual VS bilingual dictionary
2.3 The development of the bilingual dictionary
2.3.1 The budding of bilingual dictionaries
2.3.2 Early bilingual dictionaries
2.3.3 Dictionaries of classical language and modern language
2.4 Definition of illustrative example
2.5 Intentionality of illustrative example
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 Some traditional views
2.5.3 Descriptive approach
2.5.4 User-oriented approach
2.6 Proposed views on the functions of the illustrative example
2.6.1 Providing the typical contextual clues
2.6.2 Providing the collocations
2.6.3 Recording the grammatical features
2.6.4 Guiding the translation practice
2.7 Classification of the illustrative examples
2.7.1 Constructed example VS quoted example
2.7.2 Phrase example VS sentence example
2.8 Importance of translation of illustrative example in English-Chinese bilingual dictionary
2.9 Summary
Chapter 3 Contextual Theory and the Principle of functional Equivalence in Translation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 A general introduction to the context theory
3.2.1 Illustrative example translation on the perspective of context
3.2.2 Special characteristics of context in example translation
3.3 Nida's principle of functional equivalence
3.3.1 Functional equivalence and its implication for translation of example
3.3.2 Equivalence of semantic and syntactic features
3.3.3 Pragmatic equivalence
3.3.4 Equivalence of the rhetoric features
3.3.5 Equivalence of cultural feature
3.4 Principles for illustrative example translation
3.4.1 Holding the meaning potential of the entry items
3.4.2 Maintaining the original structural pattern
Chapter 4 The Distinctive Characteristics of Illustrative Example Translation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Differences between dictionary translation and literary translation
4.2.1 Difference between the translation background and translation unit
4.2.2 Pragmatic difference
4.2.3 Transaltion referentiality difference
4.2.4 Difference in expressive means
4.2.5 Differing in the expressive content
4.2.6 Different aesthetic principle
4.3 Three particularities of illustrative example text
4.3.1 Contextual insufficiency
4.3.2 Example as a language for special purpose
4.3.3 The systemic feature
4.4 Characteristics of example translation in bilingual dictionary
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2. Integrity of illustrative example translation
4.4.3. Entry item-based equivalence translation
4.4.4 Function-based equivalence translation
4.5 The deficiencies of the illustrative example translation
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 A Summary of the research
5.2 Distinctive features of the study
5.3 Limitations of the study
[1]英汉词典中例证翻译的象似性原则[J]. 陈丛梅. 西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2006(02)
[2]双语词典翻译的等值原则——兼谈双语词典翻译与文学翻译的区别[J]. 章宜华. 学术研究. 2003(05)
[3]意义-篇章模型及其释义功能[J]. 章宜华. 现代外语. 2002(01)
[4]词典交际论──关于词典本质问题的再探讨[J]. 雍和明. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2001(04)
[5]词典翻译与文学翻译对比研究初探[J]. 姜秋霞. 外语与外语教学. 2001(08)
[6]新世纪词典学理论研究趋势展望[J]. 魏向清,张柏然. 外语与外语教学. 2001(04)
[7]词典释义研究的沿革与发展趋向[J]. 章宜华,黄群英. 现代外语. 2000(04)
[8]英汉双解词典的编译[J]. 李北达. 辞书研究. 2000(05)
[9]关于双语词典评奖的几点思考[J]. 章宜华,黄建华. 辞书研究. 2000(04)
[10]词典评价标准十题[J]. 陈楚祥. 辞书研究. 1994(01)
[1]论英汉学习者词典的翻译[D]. 谢俊灵.厦门大学 2007
[2]英汉双语词典中例句翻译的研究[D]. 刘敏霞.广东外语外贸大学 2004