发布时间:2017-08-02 03:00
【关键词】:大学语文教学 积极语用 语文能力
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-7
- 目录7-10
- ChapterⅠ Introduction10-18
- 1.1 Research History, Present Situation and the Significance10-15
- 1.1.1 College Chinese Education Research Overview10-13
- 1.1.2 Overview of Talent Yu Wen Competence Research13-15
- 1.2 The Basic Concepts of Research15-16
- 1.3 Summary16-18
- Chapter II Constitution of One of the Core Competence of Talents Chinese Language Competence18-34
- 2.1 Constitution of Chinese Language Competence18-28
- 2.1.1 Constitution of Chinese Language Competence on the Linguistics Front18-20
- 2.1.2 Constitution of Chinese Language Competence on the Literature Reception Front20-22
- 2.1.3 Constitution of Chinese Language Competence on the Personality and Mental Front22-26
- 2.1.4 Constitution of Chinese Language Competence on the Career and EntrepreneurshiFront26-28
- 2.2 The Silent Strom: Potential Significance of Traditional Culture to the Formation ofLanguage Competence28-29
- 2.3 Plentiful and Targeted: Level Structure of Language Competence in Chinese LanguageEducation29-33
- 2.4 Conclusions33-34
- Chapter Ⅲ Survey on Status Quo of Chinese Language Competence of the Contemporary CollegeStudents and Teaching Aims of Chinese Course34-43
- 3.1 The Survey on Students' Chinese Language Competence after the New CurriculumStandard Implemented in Primary and Middle Schools34-40
- 3.1.1 Methods and Results of the Survey34-38
- 3.1.2 The Analysis of the Result38-40
- 3.2 The Survey on Requirements of Chinese Language Competence in Social Talent Market40-41
- 3.3 Summary41-43
- Chapter IV The Acquisition and Cultivation of Chinese Language Competence43-52
- 4.1 The Acquisition of Chinese Language Competence in the Teaching Situation43
- 4.2 Self Acquisition—from Skin to Depth43-44
- 4.3 The Proven Practice for the Development of Chinese Language Competence for Talentsin Education of Chinese44-48
- 4.3.1 The Enlightenment of Dulangkou Model45
- 4.3.2 The Enlightenment of Yangsi Model45-46
- 4.3.3 The Enlightenment of MOOC and Flipped Class46-47
- 4.3.4 Model and Foreignization47-48
- 4.4 The Feasibility Analysis of the acquisition and Development of Chinese LanguageCompetence48-51
- 4.4.1 Support of Mastering Learning Theory48-49
- 4.4.2 Support of Implicit Learning Theory49-50
- 4.4.3 Support from Theory of Self-Learning50-51
- 4.5 Summary51-52
- ChapterⅤ Positive Pragmatic Perspective in the Education Reform of College Chinese52-71
- 5.1 The Theory Research on the Norm Form of Teaching in Innovative and PositivePragmatic Perspective52-54
- 5.1.1 Adjustment Theory and Transcendentalism53
- 5.1.2 The Theories of Acceptance and Innovation53-54
- 5.1.3 Control Standard and Expressional Classroom Teaching54
- 5.2 Value Driving- the Core Humanity Goal of Course Reform in the Teaching of CollegeChinese by Means of Positive Pragmatics54-57
- 5.2.1 Modern Personality54-55
- 5.2.2 The Power of Individuality Expression55-56
- 5.2.3 The Power of Harmonious Coexistence56
- 5.2.4 The Social Attribute of Teaching on Chinese Course56-57
- 5.3 The Practice Research on Teaching Model of Innovative and Positive Pragmatics inCollege Chinese57-59
- 5.3.1 Teaching Concept57-58
- 5.3.2 Teaching Content58-59
- 5.4 Teaching Methods59-65
- 5.4.1 Overcome Psychological Disorder, Encourage Students to Actively Participate inCurricular Activity59-60
- 5.4.2 Stimulate Learning Motivation, Properly Introduce TARGET Application GoalTheory60-61
- 5.4.3 Integrate Learning Outcome and Learning Process, Emphasize on the Cultivation ofLearning Ability61-62
- 5.4.4 Strengthen Case Teaching, Introduce Enterprise Training Mechanism to CollegeCourses62-64
- 5.4.5 Fully Pay Attention to the Update of Network Technology, Positively Introduce Itinto Chinese Teaching Activity64-65
- 5.5 Instructional Evaluation65
- 5.6 Teacher’s Quality65-68
- 5.6.1 Establish a Wide-range Teacher Philosophy, Penetrate the Influence of Teacher intoEvery Communication and Contact65-66
- 5.6.2 Update the Knowledge Structure of College Chinese Teacher, Improve Teacher’sCommunication Competence66-68
- 5.7 Improvement and Construction of Teaching Environment68-71
- ChapterⅥ Conclusion71-72
- References72-75
- Acknowledgements75
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