发布时间:2017-09-19 08:07
【摘要】:传统的语域和语域变异研究,在定性分析的基础上,通常源于感性认知,属于社会语言学的研究范围。随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,语料库的涌现逐渐成为了定量研究语言的一种大有作为的技术方法。 Douglas Biber (1988)首先提出运用多维分析手段进行语域变异分析。多维分析模型旨在以定量分析,尤其是因子分析对大型语料库的大规模语言特征进行合并归类,抽取语言特征的共现规律,并加以阐释和验证。目前为止,已有研究运用多维分析对英语、索马里语、图瓦卢语、朝鲜语以及西班牙语做了系统性的语域变异分析。全球以汉语为母语的人口数量最大,而汉语尚未得到全面的语域变异分析,因此本研究有着十分必要的学术意义。本研究旨在从宏观上分析汉语普通话的口语和书面语的语域变异规律。本研究使用了包含1000个1000词文本的覆盖十六个口笔语语域的汉语语料库。选取并计数88个汉语语言特征在各个文本的出现频次,经因子分析抽取5个因子作为汉语语域变异维度。通过分析各维度语言特征的共现情况,对各维度的交际功能进行试探性的阐释和初步定性。最后通过比对各语域在各维度上的因子得分分布和语域间差异性检验,进一步验证了维度阐释的可行性,并总结了汉语的语域变异规律。本研究从宏观和计量的角度,验证了汉语的口笔语语域间在五个维度上既区别又连续的渐变性差异。同时,也总结出了汉语语域变异的各个功能性维度:交互性/信息性、文学/非文学、口语化主观表达、情景依赖性与情感、劝说辩论/非劝说辩论维度。
【关键词】:多维分析法 语域变异 交际功能 因子分析
- Acknowledgements6-8
- 摘要8-9
- Abstract9-11
- Contents11-13
- List of figures13-14
- List of tables14-15
- Chapter One Introduction15-21
- 1.1 Research Background15-17
- 1.2 Research Purpose17-18
- 1.3 Research Significance18-20
- 1.3.1 Register Variation and Grammatical Research18
- 1.3.2 Register Variation and Chinese Language Teaching and Testing18-19
- 1.3.3 Register Variation and Translation #S19
- 1.3.4 Register Variation and Text Categorization19-20
- 1.4 Organization of the Thesis20-21
- Chapter Two Literature Review21-32
- 2.1 An Overview of Register and Register Analysis21-24
- 2.1.1 Definition of Register21-22
- 2.1.2 The Categorization of Registers22
- 2.1.3 An Overview of Analytical Framework of Register22-24
- Halliday's Framework of Register Analysis22-23
- Biber's Theory23-24
- 2.2 Register Variation24-25
- 2.2.1 Microscopic Study on Register Variation24
- 2.2.2 Macroscopic Study on Register Variation24-25
- 2.3 An Overview of Multi-dimensional Analysis25-32
- 2.3.1 The Multi-dimensional Approach to Foreign Languages25-31
- Exploring the Language as a Whole25-27
- Exploring Specific Language Varieties27
- Exploring Diachronic Linguistic Evolution27-28
- Exploring Variation in Specific Domains28-30
- Exploring Cross-linguistic Register Variation30-31
- 2.3.2 The Multi-dimensional Approach to Chinese Language31-32
- Chapter Three Research Methodology32-39
- 3.1 Materials32-34
- 3.1.1 Text Selection and Corpus Construction32-34
- 3.1.2 Instruments34
- 3.2 Research Procedures34-39
- 3.2.1 Selection of Linguistic Features34-36
- 3.2.2 Frequency Counts36
- 3.2.3 Factor Analysis36-37
- 3.2.4 Interpretation of Dimensions37
- 3.2.5 Factor Scores Computation37-39
- Chapter Four Results and Discussion39-75
- 4.1 Preliminary Results39-42
- 4.2 Further Discussions on Dimension Interpretation42-59
- 4.2.1 Interpretation of Dimension 142-49
- 4.2.2 Interpretation of Dimension 249-53
- 4.2.3 Interpretation of Dimension 353-56
- 4.2.4 Interpretation of Dimension 456-57
- 4.2.5 Interpretation of Dimension 557-59
- 4.3 Textual Relationship along Each Dimension59-75
- 4.3.1 Dimension Scores for Each Register59-63
- 4.3.2 Textual Relations along Dimensions63-75
- Textual Relations along Dimension 1:Interactive vs.Informational Discourse63-66
- Textual Relations along Dimension 2:Literary vs.Non-literary Concern66-69
- Textual Relations along Dimension 3:Colloquialized Expression with Subjective Emphases69-71
- Textual Relations along Dimension 4:Situation-dependent Reference & Emotional Concern71-73
- Textual Relations along Dimension 5:Persuasion and Argumentation vs. Non-persuasive and Non-argumentative Concern73-75
- Chapter Five Conclusion75-79
- 5.1 Conclusion of the Study75-77
- 5.2 Limitations and Future Work77-79
- References79-86
- Appendices86-92
- Appendix Ⅰ86-88
- Appendix Ⅱ88-91
- Appendix Ⅲ91-92
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