本文关键词: 粤语 古咸、山摄 开口一等 一二等分合 今读类型 出处:《方言》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In Cantonese (including Gui Nan Ping dialect), the main vowels can be divided into three types: central vowels, round vowels and vowels in front of extended lips. The first and second types belong to the dialects of the confluence of the first and second class principal vowels, and the causes are associated with the instability of the lower vowels in the early period and the initial, final, and tonal tones. There is a certain relationship between the restriction of phonological pattern. The article finds that the Cantonese language belongs to the dialect of "Qin regardless" and "Xianshan opening one or two".) most Cantonese still retains the situation of the separation of the vowels of the first and second class of the ancient Xianshan, and the separation of the principal vowels of the first and second classes of the ancient Xianshan. Some Cantonese confluence is a relatively recent phonetic change.
【作者单位】: 暨南大学中文系/汉语方言中心;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金青年项目“汉语方言分区语音特征的层次和主次研究——以粤桂毗连地区汉语方言区片划分为例”(12CYY008) 暨南大学创新基金(15JNQM024)资助
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