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发布时间:2018-03-12 15:08

  本文选题:普法 切入点:公益广告 出处:《广东外语外贸大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, a variety of new media such as springing up and developing rapidly, the aesthetic and the way of receiving information of the masses also changed greatly: leaflets. The traditional forms of popular law, such as newspaper boards, banners, posters and so on, are relatively simple and boring, and they are difficult to attract public attention. Nowadays, they are no longer able to meet the increasing demands of the public on the mode of information dissemination. However, New media can solve this problem. Video, animation, micro-film and other popular forms of law, fully mobilize the visual and auditory organs of the public, in a more vivid way to disseminate legal information, To give the public a deeper experience of law popularization. Therefore, pay attention to such forms of law popularization, and explore what symbolic resources they use to express their legal attitudes, and how these resources relate to each other. And how they interact with the audience in order to stimulate the audience's legal attitude and achieve the goal of popularizing the law is very necessary. In addition, they can also provide some advice for the future production of such works. This is also very meaningful. Attitude is an important part of evaluation theory. Since its birth in -10s, it has been widely used in the study of news discourse, dialogue and academic discourse. However, most of these studies focus on the evaluation of language, and less attention is paid to the multi-modal evaluation system. It conveys the legal attitude of the producer and the expectation that the public will achieve the same legal attitude. It is of great significance to establish an attitude analysis framework for video public service advertising. This paper selects 24 popular public service advertisements from various video websites and uses multi-modal analysis software to label them. In this way, we can not only see which symbolic resources they use to express their attitude meaning, but also how they interact with the audience. In addition, we also use two kinds of voice analysis software. They are used to eliminate background sounds and to obtain spectral maps and speech data, which to some extent avoid the subjectivity of analysis, which has not been found in previous studies. It has been found that language is no doubt the main mode used to express attitudes. Without language, there is no basis for understanding meaning. However, as a multimodal discourse, other modal resources such as sound, expression, gesture and background can be used to express the meaning of attitude, and are limited by time. The purpose of public service advertising in popularizing law is to raise the legal awareness of the public and how to make it attract the attention of the public. It's extremely important to resonate with the public and be impressed. This requires the producer to manage the relationship between the video and the audience: contact, distance, and perspective are three aspects of interaction. They can create a complex and clever connection between the audience and the video content, and the correct handling of the relationship between the three and the audience can have unexpected effects. It is also necessary to consider how the various modes relate to each other. Each mode can be complementary or non-complementary, and there are reinforcement and non-reinforcement in complementary relationships, and there are overlaps in non-complementary relationships. Dealing well with the relationship between each modal can make the advertising content more vivid, rich and impressive, and achieve the goal of popularizing law.


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