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发布时间:2018-03-12 23:10

  本文选题:“对”字句 切入点:对外汉语教学 出处:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The preposition "duality" is a common grammatical point in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and foreign students will learn it at the primary stage. However, when the foreign students reach the intermediate or advanced level of Chinese, They still unconsciously export a large number of wrong "right" sentences. The teaching of "right" sentences has not been given enough attention for a long time. The traditional teaching is based on the preposition "right", the difficulty of the sentence and the important role of other elements in the sentence have been neglected. This paper discusses the new methods and new ideas of the teaching of the word "yes". From the perspective of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, this article discusses the new methods and new ideas of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. This paper analyzes the structural characteristics and semantic connotation of the "duo" sentence. After examining the usage of the word "duo" in TCFL, it is found that it is frequently used. At the same time, the error rate is also high. Therefore, according to the degree of difficulty and ease of acquisition, the "du" sentence is classified according to its grammatical characteristics, the students' errors after acquisition and the maneuverability of the actual classroom teaching. This article is divided into five parts to discuss: the first part combs the characteristics of "du" sentence in the study of Chinese ontology. At the same time, it examines the current situation of the research on "Duo" sentences in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. The second part is based on the previous studies, From the point of view of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, this paper analyzes the syntactic structure and semantic connotation of NP1 on NP2. The third part analyzes the characteristics of errors, teaching objects and teaching materials for Chinese as a foreign language. This paper makes a stereoscopic study on the use of "du" sentence / "NP1" in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. In part 4th, it puts forward the teaching strategy of "yes" sentence in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, including the classification of the difficulty of "opposite" sentence and the improvement of the syllabus. Improve the compilation of teaching materials and the teaching methods of teachers. 5th part of the "to" sentence teaching research process, results and shortcomings, summed up the "to" sentence teaching strategies should be adopted.


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