[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology and multimedia technology, the way people convey information is no longer confined to the pure text representation, but extended to the interwoven multi-modal discourse of text, image and sound. Forceville (1996, 2009) and other scholars first carried out the study of image metaphor, and then proposed multi-modal metaphor on this basis. At present, many scholars have studied image metaphor and multimodal metaphor. The genre mainly involves advertisements, cartoons, gestures and so on. The research contents include the extension of conceptual metaphor theory to the test of non-verbal domain, and the operation mechanism of multimodal metaphor. However, most of the relevant studies are conducted from a single functional or cognitive perspective, with relatively single perspectives and low reliability. The use of corpus to explore visual metaphor from a cognitive-pragmatic perspective is in line with the new trend of cognitive-pragmatic research and is conducive to expanding multimodal implicitness. Graphic advertising is a means of communication that relies on visual symbols: images and words to persuade consumers to buy goods. It uses consumers'multi-modal perception ability to metaphorically convey advertising intentions. In advertising circles, wine advertising is due to economic development and people's living water. Therefore, based on the conceptual metaphor theory from the cognitive perspective and the multimodal metaphor theory developed on this basis, and the relevance theory from the pragmatic perspective, this paper explores the visual metaphor in the plane wine advertisement together, with the emphasis on the following three questions Questions: (1) What are the types and frequencies of visual metaphors in print wine advertisements, and what are their characteristics? (2) How do different types of visual metaphors construct meanings in print wine advertisements? (3) What are the cognitive and pragmatic functions of visual metaphors in print wine advertisements? Forceville (2008) and Zhao Xiufeng (2010) classify visual metaphors into frameworks to identify and classify visual metaphors in print wine advertisements. The latest multimedia data processing and analysis software Nvivo11 is used as a tool to annotate and statistics data by importing, editing, coding and creating nodes. The study finds that: (1) According to the modal types involved, visual metaphors in print wine advertisements can be divided into two categories: single-modal metaphor (43.3%) and multi-modal metaphor (56.7%) and multi-modal metaphor (pictorial-textual metaphor). According to the relationship between source domain and target domain, the two types of visual metaphors can be divided into four types: contextual metaphor (16.7%), mixed metaphor (23.3%), juxtaposed metaphor (26.7%) and composite metaphor (33.3%). Through comparison, it is found that the visual metaphor of ALCOHOLIC DRINK IS WOMAN is often used in print wine advertisements, and different types of wine involve different visual metaphors due to different taste: beer is refreshing, commonly used BEER IS SEA; wine is mellow, WINE IS RED SILK; liquor stimulation, commonly used VODKA IS PEAK, etc. 36.7% of the metaphorical mapping processes involve metonymy, which provides the necessary basis for metaphor and constructs meaning through interaction and integration. (2) The number of visual metaphors in print wine advertisements is different, but the interpretation process is similar, including two steps: the ostensive process and the inferential process. The audience shows the information intention and the communicative intention behind it; for the audience, when they feel the explicit stimulus, they will read the context (including the text context and the text context) carefully to understand the information intention, then pursue the communicative intention and interpret the visual metaphor using the principle of optimal relevance. In the end, the cognitive environment of the audience changes. Although the interpretation of visual metaphors in print wine advertisements is a process of seeking optimal relevance, identifying visual metaphors and pursuing the merchant's information and communicative intentions, different types of visual perceptions do exist. The key to interpreting contextual metaphor is to fully understand the context and infer the source domain; the key to interpreting juxtapositional metaphor is to discover the contrastive relationship between the source domain and the target domain, in which text, encyclopedic knowledge and experience play an important role; mixed metaphor and composite metaphor are similar, and both source domain and target domain have been presented. Grasping the similarity between the two domains is the key to interpreting the two visual metaphors. Compared with graphic multi-modal metaphors, image single-modal metaphors provide relatively little information. Therefore, in order to make the audience understand metaphors correctly, the image single-modal metaphors used by advertisers are mostly simple metaphors. (3) The visual wine metaphors in plane wine advertisements are persuasive. Persuasion is the most important function, including cognitive persuasion and emotional persuasion. Cognitive persuasion attracts attention by creating semantic conflicts. Part of the mapping highlights the advantages of alcohol, ignores the disadvantages of excessive drinking and creates physical and psychological harmfulness of drinking and other activities. Similarity can be realized in three ways; emotional persuasion can be realized in two ways: one is to convey emotions through the source domain, such as love; the other is to elicit positive emotions from the audience through novel metaphors or similar experiences. The realization of information function depends on two ways: using polite utterances to euphemistically convey intention, reducing the audience's distrust of wine advertisements; using old words to talk about new things to create new meanings. The aesthetic function can not be ignored: a novel metaphor is full of creativity; and different types of wine use different color metaphors to highlight different liquors. It is the rich function of visual metaphor that makes it widely used in print wine advertisements. This paper further proves conceptual metaphor, especially multimodal metaphor, comprehensively from the cognitive and pragmatic perspectives. It is of great significance to explore the visual metaphor in plane wine advertisement for expanding the study of metaphor and multimodal metaphor. In addition, from the practical aspect, this paper provides useful inspiration for the design of plane wine advertisement. Advertisers can convey information intention and communicative intention through visual metaphor. At the same time, this paper also helps consumers to be objective. Accurately understand flat wine advertising, rational consumption.
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