[Abstract]:As the leading emissary of the national economic development and the promotion of comprehensive culture, the educational circles, under the background of the educational reform in our country, merge the teaching experience among the various disciplines, which is a new state of the development of the educational circles. The ultimate goal is to train comprehensive applied talents for the country. The essence of teaching is not to impart knowledge, but to stimulate and awaken the potential energy of students. As an important part of college education, Chinese teaching plays a vital role in the cultivation of students' emotion and the stimulation of their potential. Under the promotion of the new curriculum reform, higher demands are put forward on the teaching of Chinese in colleges and universities, and the teaching of Chinese in colleges and universities is facing significant strategic adjustment. However, in school education, the integration of various subjects and the appropriate addition of ideological and political education to the Chinese curriculum in colleges and universities, not only strengthen the ideological and political education of students, but also help to realize the innovation of ideological and political education.
【作者单位】: 曲靖医学高等专科学校;
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