[Abstract]:There are abundant sentence patterns in Chinese. As one of the special sentence patterns, continuous predicate sentence embodies the unique structure and semantic expression of Chinese. In the Noumenon teaching of Chinese and the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, the appearance and use of continuous predicate sentences are very high. From the point of view of the semantics of continuous predicate sentences, it is necessary to investigate the errors in the use of continuous predicate sentences by students, to explore the causes of errors, to put forward teaching suggestions and to learn better. The whole frame of this paper is divided into five parts: chapter one, introduction, introduces the significance and innovation of this thesis, combs the current research situation of Chinese predicate sentences and foreign predicate sentences, and explains the research object, research methods and data sources of this paper. In the second chapter, the Noumenon of Chinese continuous predicate sentences is studied. The definition, characteristics and structural types of Chinese continuous predicate sentences are introduced. The semantics of continuous predicate sentences is analyzed, and the theoretical basis is the translation of continuous predicate sentences into English. The semantic focus of continuous predicate sentences is studied. The third chapter is the investigation and analysis of the situation of students learning to use predicate sentences. By designing a questionnaire, the author tests the situation of foreign students learning Chinese predicate sentences, and examines the errors that appear in the use of Chinese predicate sentences. In the fourth chapter, the author analyzes the semantic errors of Chinese predicate sentences and their teaching suggestions. By analyzing the types and causes of errors in the process of acquisition of predicate sentences, combining with the rationality of the language points in the syllabus and textbooks, the author discusses the causes of errors. In order to help students to learn Chinese better, this paper puts forward some teaching suggestions from teachers, students, textbooks and so on. Chapter five, conclusion, summarizes the results of this paper and points out the shortcomings of the research. In recent years, predicate sentences are a hot and difficult topic in the field of linguistics. They play a very important role in people's daily communication. The semantic relationship of Chinese predicate sentences is complex, and the semantic focus of predicate sentences lies in the latter predicate. The latter predicate is the key of the sentence.
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