[Abstract]:In the teaching of Chinese international education, the students have completed the transition from sentence making to paragraph, discourse expression, and have a certain foundation of stylistic writing. The teaching arrangement should be mainly in the form of discourse expression, such as narrative, argumentation, explanation and so on. In addition, it should also include some basic functional items, such as comparing things, making comparison, expressing process, drawing conclusions and so on. From the perspective of international Chinese education, writing teaching is generally more difficult than that of other language skills. As a part of language teaching, writing teaching should, on the one hand, help students consolidate their knowledge of Chinese language; on the other hand, they should also cultivate students' Chinese thinking ability and written expression ability. Therefore, writing teaching plays an important role in the teaching of Chinese international education. According to the classification of Chinese written communicative competence in the International Chinese proficiency Standard, there is a certain gap between the writing ability of the international students at the intermediate level of Erlianhaote International College of Inner Mongolia normal University and the prescribed standard. Therefore, this paper discusses the writing teaching in the intermediate class of Erlianhaote International College of Inner Mongolia normal University. Through case study, classroom observation, interview and analysis of writing materials, this paper investigates the present situation of writing teaching in the Intermediate Class of Erlianhaote International College of Inner Mongolia normal University. No attention has been paid to the cultivation of students' Chinese thinking and writing criticism; Students have insufficient knowledge of style, unclear structure of writing and many problems of language expression. The reasons for these problems are teachers, mainly because teachers pay less attention to teaching objectives, lack understanding of students' negative transfer of mother tongue, and neglect the important role of comment in the classroom. The main reason for students is that they have no clear sense of style, lack of thinking of structure and sequence of articles, and lack of solid knowledge of Chinese. According to the problems of writing teaching in international Chinese education, the following teaching suggestions are put forward: first, teachers should make clear the teaching objectives and improve the students' ability of discourse expression; secondly, teachers should attach importance to the cultivation of Chinese thinking and stimulate students' interest in writing. Third, to strengthen the teaching of basic knowledge of Chinese, to reduce language errors; fourth, to pay attention to the study of stylistic knowledge, so that students can better grasp the structure of the article; finally, to correct the errors in writing, pay attention to composition follow-up comments. The results of this paper may be affected by individual and quantitative factors. At the same time, the author only discusses the teaching of intermediate Chinese writing, but fails to make a thorough discussion of the relationship between writing teaching and other styles, and can only wait for further efforts in the future.
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