[Abstract]:With the continuous promotion of Chinese teaching all over the world, the textbooks of Chinese as a foreign language compiled by our country can not meet the actual needs of Chinese teaching all over the world. In order to promote the better development of Chinese teaching, Chinese workers in some countries began to write native Chinese teaching materials one after another. Australian Chinese textbooks "Hello" and "growth" are native Chinese textbooks based on this need and purpose. In this paper, the first and second volumes of the two sets of textbooks "Hello" and "growth" and their supporting exercise books are selected as the object of study, from the compilation concept, textbook structure, vocabulary compilation, grammar compilation, Chinese characters, This paper compares the cultural content and practice design, analyzes their respective characteristics and shortcomings, and finds out some experiences and problems in the localization construction of Australian Chinese textbooks. On this basis, some principles and key elements to promote the localization construction of Australian Chinese textbooks are summarized, which is of practical significance to the localization construction of Australian Chinese textbooks. And it can provide some reference and reference for other countries to compile native Chinese textbooks. This paper consists of four parts. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the origin and significance of the topic, the research object and the research method, and summarizes the related research on the compilation and comparison of the textbooks of Chinese as a foreign language. The second chapter is the comparative analysis of "Hello" and "growth", focusing on the compilation theory, textbook structure, vocabulary compilation, grammar writing, Chinese characters, cultural content. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the first and second volumes of the two sets of teaching materials from the aspects of the text part and the practice setup, and points out the respective characteristics of the two sets of textbooks and their shortcomings. The third chapter is the inspiration of the two sets of textbooks to the compilation of Australian Chinese textbooks, based on the comparative analysis of the second chapter, combined with the advantages and disadvantages of the two sets of textbooks, Summarizing the compilation of Australian Chinese textbooks can get some enlightenment and experience from these two sets of textbooks. The fourth chapter is the theoretical exploration of the localization construction of Australian Chinese textbooks. On the basis of the previous research, combined with the research of predecessors and Shi Xian, the author puts forward the main aspects and principles of the localization of Australian Chinese textbooks. It also points out the key points of the localization construction of Australian Chinese textbooks from the aspects of textbook types, cultural elements, language elements, skills training and native vocabulary, and so on. In order to provide some reference and help for the localization construction of Australian Chinese textbooks.
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