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发布时间:2021-01-11 09:47
  本研究以Bohnemeyer等(2007)提出的宏事件特征为对比基础,通过对英汉语叙事语篇的考查,对比分析了英汉语具有宏事件特征的位移运动事件的切分及其表征的异同。依据宏事件特征的原则,我们从总长度基本对等的两部英文小说及其汉译、两部中文小说及其英译中,认定并考查了具有宏事件特征的英文表达式201例和汉语表达式224例。这些表达式及其译文构成了本研究对等语料库的主体。参照Jackendoff (1983)提出的概念结构和Bohnemeyer等(2007)提出的宏事件特征的原则,我们认同一个完整的位移运动事件概念包含三部分,即离开事件(DE)、经过事件(PE)、到达事件(AE)。Talmy (1985, 2000b)认为运动事件有四个主要组成部分,即移动元、动作()、路径(PA)和背景。依据Jackendoff (1983),路径有五类,始源路径(<PAS>),离开路径(<PAF>),路线路径(<PAR>),目标路径(<PAG>)和... 

【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:201 页


List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Translocative motion event (TME)
        1.1.1 Defining event
        1.1.2 TME
    1.2 Purpose and significance of the study
        1.2.1 Purpose of the study
        1.2.2 Significance of the study
    1.3 Theoretical framework and research methodology
        1.3.1 Theoretical framework
        1.3.2 Research methodology
    1.4 Organization of the dissertation
Chapter 2 MEP Principles and the Segmentation and Representation of TME
    2.0 Introduction
    2.1 Theoretical review of Motion event typology
        2.1.1 Talmyan dichotomy typology
        2.1.2 Dichotomy or trichotomy
    2.2 Event segmentation
        2.2.1 Event segmentation in psychology
        2.2.2 Event segmentation in linguistics
    2.3 Principles of the MEP
        2.3.1 The biuniqueness constraint
        2.3.2 The macro-event linking principle
        2.3.3 The referential uniqueness constraint
        2.3.4 The unique vector constraint
        2.3.5 The loss of the MEP
    2.4 Segmentation of complex motion events and TME constructions with the MEP
        2.4.1 The conceptual structure and types of Motion event Path
        2.4.2 Segmentation of complex motion events
        2.4.3 TME constructions with the MEP
    2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Research Design and Data Tagging
    3.0 Introduction
    3.1 Research design
    3.2 Constituents of TMEs and their parameters
        3.2.1 Actant
   Defining Actant
   General attributes of Actant and its parameters
        3.2.2 Motion
   Defining Motion
   General attributes of Motion and its parameters
        3.2.3 Path
   Defining Path
   General attributes of Path and its parameters
        3.2.4 Ground
   Defining Ground
   General attributes of Ground and its parameters
    3.3 The corpus construction
        3.3.1 The parallel translation corpus
        3.3.2 Sentence selection and tagging
        3.3.3 Variables
    3.4 Tertium comparationis
        3.4.1 A brief review of the past TC studies
        3.4.2 TC for this study
Chapter 4 General Statistical Description of English and Chinese TME Constructions
    4.0 Introduction
    4.1 Constituent combinations in English and Chinese TME constructions
        4.1.1 MEP sentences in English and Chinese texts
        4.1.2 Subevent constituent combinations in English and Chinese
    4.2 Linguistic expressions in English and Chinese TME constructions
        4.2.1 Who is moving
        4.2.2 How to move
        4.2.3 Which road to follow
        4.2.4 Where to go
    4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Contrasting the Representation of TMEs in English and Chinese
    5.0 Introduction
    5.1 The representation of English TMEs
        5.1.1 English TMEs in the original texts
        5.1.2 English TMEs in the translated texts
    5.2 The representation of Chinese TMEs
        5.2.1 Chinese TMEs in the original texts
        5.2.2 Chinese TMEs in the translated texts
        5.2.3 English and Chinese TME constructions: a comparison
    5.3 Rendition of TMEs between English and Chinese
        5.3.1 From English constructions to Chinese constructions
        5.3.2 From Chinese constructions to English constructions
    5.4 The representation of the Motion event constituents in English and Chinese
        5.4.1 The representation of Actants
        5.4.2 The representation of Motion
        5.4.3 The representation of Path
        5.4.4 The representation of Grounds
        5.4.5 English and Chinese TME constituent representation: a comparison
    5.5 Beyond surface representation
    5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
    6.0 Introduction
    6.1 Major findings
    6.2 Theoretical implications
    6.3 Limitations and future study directions
Appendix 1 Actant
Appendix 2 Motion
Appendix 3 Path
Appendix 4 Ground
Appendix 5 Event composition

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