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发布时间:2021-01-28 22:14


【文章页数】:111 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 The Aim and Significance of the Study
        1.2.1 The Aim of the Study
        1.2.2 The Significance of the Study
    1.3 Research Methodology
    1.4 Research Hypothesis
    1.5 Framework of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 The Study Abroad
    2.2 The Study at Home
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Metaphor
        3.1.1 The Definition of Metaphor
        3.1.2 The Classification of Metaphor
    3.2 Conceptual Integration Theory
        3.2.1 Overview of Conceptual Integration Theory
        3.2.2 Elements of Conceptual Integration Network
        3.2.3 The Taxonomy of Conceptual Integration Network
Chapter Four The Analysis of Metaphor in Xi Jinping The Governance of China Ⅱ from the Perspective of Conceptual Integration Theory
    4.1 Structural Metaphors
        4.1.1 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Journey Metaphor
        4.1.2 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Building Metaphor
        4.1.3 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about War Metaphor
        4.1.4 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Disease Metaphor
        4.1.5 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Family Metaphor
    4.2 Ontological Metaphors
        4.2.1 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Anthropomorphous Metaphor
        4.2.2 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Plant Metaphor
        4.2.3 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Water Metaphor
        4.2.4 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Animal Metaphor
        4.2.5 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Metal Metaphor
    4.3 Orientational Metaphors
        4.3.1 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Up/Down Metaphor
        4.3.2 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Front/Back Metaphor
        4.3.3 The Study and Construal on Conceptual Integration Mechanism about Center/Periphery Metaphor
    4.4 The Path for the Construction of Xi Jinping’s Thought System in Terms of Metaphor
    4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings of the Study
    5.2 Limitations and Suggestions of the Study

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