发布时间:2021-02-12 03:20
经济全球化的进一步发展,促使企业的跨国合作、跨界合作日益频繁,文化在商业领域变得愈加重要。当企业试图与他国企业开展营销、销售或谈判时,有效的商务沟通对交易成功起着重要作用。中德两国都为世界主要经济体,两国间贸易额在过去30年里不断攀升。然而,对中德之间商务行为风格鲜有研究。本文作者选取商务沟通的代表阶段即商务演讲过程,对中德商务演讲进行跨文化分析。文章采用自定义调查问卷,收集中德企业员工各自认可的在商务演讲事宜上的最佳商业行为模式。Edward T,Hall的高低语境理论和(ieert}tofstede关于文化的维度理论作为本文理论分析依据。通过详细的数据分析和后续访谈,作者对调查结果进行了深入解读,并辨析了文章最初提出的四个文化假设。调查问卷结果证明,在商务演讲过程中,-中国人有个人主义倾向,德国人表现出强烈的个人主义特征(基本验证假设1)-中国人有规避不确定性倾向,德国人表现出强烈的规避不确定性的特征(基本验证假设2)-中国人有高权利距离倾向,德国人有低权利距离倾向(完全验证假设3)-中国人表现出强烈的长期取向,德国人表现出强烈的短期取向(与假设4对中国人的假设吻合,与对德国人的假...
【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:85 页
Abstract (Chinese)
Abstract (English)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Motivation and Purpose of the Study
1.2 The Significance of the Study
1.3 Thesis Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Culture and Cross-culture Communication
2.1.1 Definition of Culture
2.1.2 Definition of Cross-cultural Communication
2.2 Hall’s High- and Low- Context Cultural Taxonomy
2.3 Hofstede’s Cultural Taxonomy
2.3.1 Individualism versus Collectivism
2.3.2 Uncertainty Avoidance
2.3.3 Power Distance
2.3.4 Time Orientation
2.3.5 Summary of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Chapter 3 Hypotheses and Research Methods
3.1 Analysis of Cultural Influences on Chinese and Germans
3.2 Research
3.2.1 Procedure
3.2.2 Participants
3.2.3 Research Instrument
3.3 Hypotheses
3.3.1 Dimension 1: Individualism versus Collectivism
3.3.2 Dimension 2: Uncertainty Avoidance
3.3.3 Dimension 3: Power Distance
3.3.4 Dimension 4: Time Orientation
Chapter 4 Analysis of different Business Presentation Styles between Chinese and Germans
4.1 Individualism versus Collectivism
4.2 Uncertainty Avoidance
4.3 Power Distance
4.4 Time Orientation
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Suggestions for Further Research
Questionnaire (English Version)
Questionnaire (Chinese Version)
【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:85 页
Abstract (Chinese)
Abstract (English)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Motivation and Purpose of the Study
1.2 The Significance of the Study
1.3 Thesis Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Culture and Cross-culture Communication
2.1.1 Definition of Culture
2.1.2 Definition of Cross-cultural Communication
2.2 Hall’s High- and Low- Context Cultural Taxonomy
2.3 Hofstede’s Cultural Taxonomy
2.3.1 Individualism versus Collectivism
2.3.2 Uncertainty Avoidance
2.3.3 Power Distance
2.3.4 Time Orientation
2.3.5 Summary of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Chapter 3 Hypotheses and Research Methods
3.1 Analysis of Cultural Influences on Chinese and Germans
3.2 Research
3.2.1 Procedure
3.2.2 Participants
3.2.3 Research Instrument
3.3 Hypotheses
3.3.1 Dimension 1: Individualism versus Collectivism
3.3.2 Dimension 2: Uncertainty Avoidance
3.3.3 Dimension 3: Power Distance
3.3.4 Dimension 4: Time Orientation
Chapter 4 Analysis of different Business Presentation Styles between Chinese and Germans
4.1 Individualism versus Collectivism
4.2 Uncertainty Avoidance
4.3 Power Distance
4.4 Time Orientation
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Suggestions for Further Research
Questionnaire (English Version)
Questionnaire (Chinese Version)