发布时间:2021-10-18 18:30
语法隐喻是人类认识世界的一种重要手段,它可以把事件、活动、情绪、思想等转化为实体(entity) (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980)。Halliday (1985)指出,语法隐喻不是用一个词去代替另一个词,而是用某一语法类别或语法结构去代替另一语法类别或语法结构。因此,语法隐喻是语言里客观存在的现象,其作用在于利用隐喻手段把一种语法类型或语法功能转化成另一类,从而生成新的经验类别。作为功能语言学的研究热点之一,语法隐喻概念多年来一直备受关注,诸多学者将语法隐喻应用于不同类型的语篇分析中,并得出了不少令人信服的结论。迄今为止,语法隐喻研究几乎涉及到各种文学语篇和专门用途语篇(如法律、新闻和科技语篇),而对抒情诗语篇中语法隐喻现象的分析和研究却极为少见,尤其是对英汉抒情诗中语法隐喻的对比研究将近空白。抒情诗是诗歌的精华,更是文学宝库中的精华。鉴于抒情诗独特的文学价值,英汉抒情诗的对比研究,可为欣赏英汉文学作品,进而解读两种语言文化之异同提供一个全新的视角。本文以韩礼德的语法隐喻理论为理论依据,选用32首英汉抒情诗歌为研究语料,采用定性、定量分析相结合的方法,尝试对其中...
【文章页数】:108 页
Figures and Tables
0.1 Background of the Study
0.2 Objectives of the Study
0.3 Methodology and Data Collection
0.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 Previous Studies on GM
1.1.1 The Emergence of GM
1.1.2 Later Development of GM
1.2 Previous Studies on Contrastive Studies
1.2.1 A Historical Review of Contrastive Studies
1.2.2 The Current Trends in Contrastive Studies
1.3 The Significance of GM for the Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Lyrics
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework
2.1 Types of GM
2.2 Ideational GM
2.2.1 The Realization of Ideational GM
2.2.2 The Reclassification of Ideational GM
2.3 Interpersonal GM
2.3.1 Mood Metaphor
2.3.2 Modality Metaphor
2.4 Textual GM
2.4.1 Metaphorical Thematic Structure
2.4.2 Metaphorical Information Structure
2.4.3 Metaphors in Cohesion
Chapter Three Data Analysis and Discussion
3.1 Comparative Analysis of Ideational GM
3.1.1 Ideational GMs in English Lyrics
3.1.2 Ideational GMs in Chinese Lyrics
3.1.3 Similarities and Differences
3.1.4 Causes Analysis
3.2 Comparative Analysis of Interpersonal GM
3.2.1 Mood Metaphor
3.2.2 Modality Metaphor
3.3 Comparative Analysis of Textual GM
3.3.1 Textual GMs in English Lyrics
3.3.2 Textual GMs in Chinese Lyrics
3.3.3 Similarities and Differences
3.3.4 Causes Analysis
Chapter Four Major Findings and Implications
4.1 Major Findings
4.1.1 Similarities and Differences
4.1.2 Cause Analysis and Discussion
4.2 Implications
4.2.1 Theoretical Implications
4.2.2 Practical Implications
4.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
[1]对转类动名化意义整合的初步探讨[J]. 赵静,张德禄. 现代外语. 2009(04)
[2]论语法概念隐喻中一致式与隐喻式的形似性原则[J]. 张德禄,赵静. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2008(06)
[3]试论语法隐喻的综合模式[J]. 范文芳. 外语教学. 2007(04)
[4]中西思维方式:悟性与理性——兼论汉英语言常用的表达方式[J]. 连淑能. 外语与外语教学. 2006(07)
[5]名词化、动词化与语法隐喻[J]. 朱永生. 外语教学与研究. 2006(02)
[6]重建西方对比语言学史——洪堡特和沃尔夫对开创对比语言学的贡献[J]. 潘文国,谭慧敏. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2005(06)
[7]语法隐喻与经验的重新建构[J]. 常晨光. 外语教学与研究. 2004(01)
[8]概念语法隐喻理论对阅读教学的指导意义[J]. 董宏乐,杨晓英. 国外外语教学. 2003(04)
[9]对唐诗《寻隐者不遇》英译文的功能语篇分析[J]. 黄国文. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2002(05)
[10]语域理论与诗歌的语义和语用分析[J]. 程晓堂. 外语与外语教学. 2002(04)
【文章页数】:108 页
Figures and Tables
0.1 Background of the Study
0.2 Objectives of the Study
0.3 Methodology and Data Collection
0.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 Previous Studies on GM
1.1.1 The Emergence of GM
1.1.2 Later Development of GM
1.2 Previous Studies on Contrastive Studies
1.2.1 A Historical Review of Contrastive Studies
1.2.2 The Current Trends in Contrastive Studies
1.3 The Significance of GM for the Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Lyrics
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework
2.1 Types of GM
2.2 Ideational GM
2.2.1 The Realization of Ideational GM
2.2.2 The Reclassification of Ideational GM
2.3 Interpersonal GM
2.3.1 Mood Metaphor
2.3.2 Modality Metaphor
2.4 Textual GM
2.4.1 Metaphorical Thematic Structure
2.4.2 Metaphorical Information Structure
2.4.3 Metaphors in Cohesion
Chapter Three Data Analysis and Discussion
3.1 Comparative Analysis of Ideational GM
3.1.1 Ideational GMs in English Lyrics
3.1.2 Ideational GMs in Chinese Lyrics
3.1.3 Similarities and Differences
3.1.4 Causes Analysis
3.2 Comparative Analysis of Interpersonal GM
3.2.1 Mood Metaphor
3.2.2 Modality Metaphor
3.3 Comparative Analysis of Textual GM
3.3.1 Textual GMs in English Lyrics
3.3.2 Textual GMs in Chinese Lyrics
3.3.3 Similarities and Differences
3.3.4 Causes Analysis
Chapter Four Major Findings and Implications
4.1 Major Findings
4.1.1 Similarities and Differences
4.1.2 Cause Analysis and Discussion
4.2 Implications
4.2.1 Theoretical Implications
4.2.2 Practical Implications
4.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
[1]对转类动名化意义整合的初步探讨[J]. 赵静,张德禄. 现代外语. 2009(04)
[2]论语法概念隐喻中一致式与隐喻式的形似性原则[J]. 张德禄,赵静. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2008(06)
[3]试论语法隐喻的综合模式[J]. 范文芳. 外语教学. 2007(04)
[4]中西思维方式:悟性与理性——兼论汉英语言常用的表达方式[J]. 连淑能. 外语与外语教学. 2006(07)
[5]名词化、动词化与语法隐喻[J]. 朱永生. 外语教学与研究. 2006(02)
[6]重建西方对比语言学史——洪堡特和沃尔夫对开创对比语言学的贡献[J]. 潘文国,谭慧敏. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2005(06)
[7]语法隐喻与经验的重新建构[J]. 常晨光. 外语教学与研究. 2004(01)
[8]概念语法隐喻理论对阅读教学的指导意义[J]. 董宏乐,杨晓英. 国外外语教学. 2003(04)
[9]对唐诗《寻隐者不遇》英译文的功能语篇分析[J]. 黄国文. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2002(05)
[10]语域理论与诗歌的语义和语用分析[J]. 程晓堂. 外语与外语教学. 2002(04)