发布时间:2022-01-05 19:01
多模态话语是指运用听觉、视觉、触觉等多种感觉,通过语言、图像、声音、动作等多种手段和符号资源进行交际,共同完成意义建构的话语。一直以来,对广告话语的研究主要集中在文本上。但是,在当今大众传播方式日益多模态化的社会大背景下,广告话语作为媒体话语的一种主要形式也逐渐向多模态转移。本文对上海世博会公益广告中的互动意义进行了多模态话语分析,进而探讨了公益广告是如何通过视觉技巧来与公众进行互动的。这些互动包括吸引公众注意、与之建立社会关系、建立信任、加深记忆、实现情感诉求等,籍此可以实现劝说功能,影响人们的意识形态并激励公益行为。本研究综合了Kress & van Leeuwen(1996)的视觉语法与Fairclough(1992)的三维话语分析模式,并在此基础上提出了多模态话语分析模式,然后采用该模式全面分析了上海世博会公益广告中的互动意义。整个分析从三个层面展开。在文本层面,本文以视觉语法为分析工具,研究公益广告话语如何通过接触、社会距离、视角和情态等符号手段与公众互动;在话语实践层面,文章通过分析图像互文性来研究上海世博会公益广告的互动意义;在社会实践层面,本文将所选语料置于社会...
【文章来源】:华南理工大学广东省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:107 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Rationale of the present study
1.2 Objectives of the present study
1.3 Terminological issue
1.4 Notes on data collection and methodology
1.5 Layout of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The definition of multimodal discourse
2.3 Approaches to multimodal discourse analysis
2.3.1 The perspective of social semiotics
2.3.2 The perspective of interactive sociology
2.3.3 The perspective of cognition
2.3.4 The perspective of CDA
2.4 Studies on advertising discourse
2.4.1 The definition of public service advertisement
2.4.2 Previous approaches to advertising discourse
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Analytical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Basis of the analytical framework
3.2.1 Kress and van Leeuwen’s visual grammar
3.2.2 Fairclough’s three dimensional model of discourse
3.3 Essentials of the analytical framework
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Analysis of Textual Practice
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Contact
4.2.1 Demand
4.2.2 Offer
4.2.3 A brief summary
4.3 Social distance
4.3.1 Intimate/Personal distance
4.3.2 Social distance
4.3.3 Impersonal distance
4.3.4 A brief summary
4.4 Perspective
4.4.1 Horizontal angle
4.4.2 Vertical angle
4.4.3 A brief summary
4.5 Modality
4.5.1 Sensory coding orientation
4.5.2 Abstract coding orientation
4.5.3 A brief summary
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Analysis of Discursive Practice
5.1 Introduction
5.2 A brief introduction to intertextuality
5.3 Intertextual analysis of public service advertisements of Shanghai Expo
5.3.1 Reference
5.3.2 Allusion
5.3.3 Conventionalism
5.3.4 Generic intertextuality
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Analysis of Social Practice
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Socio-cultural background
6.3 Democratization in the public service advertisements
6.4 Commodification in the public service advertisements
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Major findings
7.3 Implications
7.4 Limitations and suggestions
[1]多模态话语理论与媒体技术在外语教学中的应用[J]. 张德禄. 外语教学. 2009(04)
[2]多模态话语分析综合理论框架探索[J]. 张德禄. 中国外语. 2009(01)
[3]多模态话语分析的理论基础与研究方法[J]. 朱永生. 外语学刊. 2007(05)
[4]多媒体、多模态学习剖析[J]. 顾曰国. 外语电化教学. 2007(02)
[5]超文本多语式的社会符号学分析[J]. 叶起昌. 外语教学与研究. 2006(06)
[6]广告语篇互文性研究[J]. 韩金龙. 四川外语学院学报. 2005(01)
[7]多模式话语的社会符号学分析[J]. 李战子. 外语研究. 2003(05)
[8]语篇互文性的语用分析[J]. 辛斌. 外语研究. 2000(03)
【文章来源】:华南理工大学广东省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:107 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Rationale of the present study
1.2 Objectives of the present study
1.3 Terminological issue
1.4 Notes on data collection and methodology
1.5 Layout of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The definition of multimodal discourse
2.3 Approaches to multimodal discourse analysis
2.3.1 The perspective of social semiotics
2.3.2 The perspective of interactive sociology
2.3.3 The perspective of cognition
2.3.4 The perspective of CDA
2.4 Studies on advertising discourse
2.4.1 The definition of public service advertisement
2.4.2 Previous approaches to advertising discourse
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Analytical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Basis of the analytical framework
3.2.1 Kress and van Leeuwen’s visual grammar
3.2.2 Fairclough’s three dimensional model of discourse
3.3 Essentials of the analytical framework
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Analysis of Textual Practice
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Contact
4.2.1 Demand
4.2.2 Offer
4.2.3 A brief summary
4.3 Social distance
4.3.1 Intimate/Personal distance
4.3.2 Social distance
4.3.3 Impersonal distance
4.3.4 A brief summary
4.4 Perspective
4.4.1 Horizontal angle
4.4.2 Vertical angle
4.4.3 A brief summary
4.5 Modality
4.5.1 Sensory coding orientation
4.5.2 Abstract coding orientation
4.5.3 A brief summary
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Analysis of Discursive Practice
5.1 Introduction
5.2 A brief introduction to intertextuality
5.3 Intertextual analysis of public service advertisements of Shanghai Expo
5.3.1 Reference
5.3.2 Allusion
5.3.3 Conventionalism
5.3.4 Generic intertextuality
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Analysis of Social Practice
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Socio-cultural background
6.3 Democratization in the public service advertisements
6.4 Commodification in the public service advertisements
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Major findings
7.3 Implications
7.4 Limitations and suggestions
[1]多模态话语理论与媒体技术在外语教学中的应用[J]. 张德禄. 外语教学. 2009(04)
[2]多模态话语分析综合理论框架探索[J]. 张德禄. 中国外语. 2009(01)
[3]多模态话语分析的理论基础与研究方法[J]. 朱永生. 外语学刊. 2007(05)
[4]多媒体、多模态学习剖析[J]. 顾曰国. 外语电化教学. 2007(02)
[5]超文本多语式的社会符号学分析[J]. 叶起昌. 外语教学与研究. 2006(06)
[6]广告语篇互文性研究[J]. 韩金龙. 四川外语学院学报. 2005(01)
[7]多模式话语的社会符号学分析[J]. 李战子. 外语研究. 2003(05)
[8]语篇互文性的语用分析[J]. 辛斌. 外语研究. 2000(03)