发布时间:2023-02-09 09:05
本文旨在描写并解释中美新闻个人评论语篇中情态使用方面所体现出的微观差异,通过对这些微观差异的分析,总结地道的情态使用方式以期达到为国内基础教育阶段以情态动词为代表的英语情态表达形式的教学提供新思路的目的。本研究的理论基础是功能语法对情态表达类型、取向和情态值的相关研究以及文化影响语言运用的理论。 针对英语中情态的使用,国内外学者均做了大量研究。早期Palme(1979)在其著作《情态和英语情态助动词》中就对英语情态系统和情态动词做了相对全面的分析。情态研究在结合了具体语域后,研究焦点从对情态系统具体分类的争论转而侧重于揭示情态使用所体现出的人际交往意义。功能语法尤其如此,韩礼德(1994)将情态系统列为实现人际意义的主要形式,指出情态涉及“说话者对其话语内容中所包含可能性或义务性的判断”,对情态的描写更具系统性。 随着语料库语言学的进步,针对特定类型语篇的情态使用研究得到了突飞猛进的发展,所涉及的语篇也涵盖了医学、法律、广告、学术以及政治等等。其中,在国外Bybee(1984)和Vihla(1999)分别对幼儿语言和医疗语篇中的情态使用做了研究。在国内杨信彰(2006)研究了法律和学术...
【文章页数】:68 页
List of Figures
List of Tables
Scope of the study
Overview of methodology
Thesis organization
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 General review on modality
1.2 The nature of modality
1.3 Types and realizations of modality
1.3.1 Modal verb
1.3.2 Modal adjunct
1.3.3 Modal satellite adverb
1.4 Theoretical framework
1.4.1 Orientation of modality
1.4.2 Value of modality
1.4.3 Framework of culture
Chapter Two Methodology
2.1 Research questions
2.2 Data collection
2.2.1 Advantage of written discourse
2.2.2 Content of the data
2.2.3 Subject
Chapter Three Results and Discussion
3.1 Statistic analysis and interpretation of modal verbs
3.1.1 Overall distribution of modal verbs
3.1.2 Values of modal verbs
3.1.3 Simple comparison of meaning of modal verbs
3.2 Statistic analysis and interpretation of modal adjuncts
3.2.1 Overall distribution of modal adjuncts
3.2.2 The use of modal adjuncts of extent
3.2.3 The use of modal adjuncts of comment
3.2.4 The use of modal adjuncts of polarity and exclamation
3.2.5 The use of other subsets of modal adjuncts
3.3 Interpretation of modal satellite adverbs
Summary of the study
Limitations and suggestions for future research
Appendix A. Sources of linguistic data
Appendix B. Sample texts
Appendix C. List of identified modal adjuncts
【文章页数】:68 页
List of Figures
List of Tables
Scope of the study
Overview of methodology
Thesis organization
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 General review on modality
1.2 The nature of modality
1.3 Types and realizations of modality
1.3.1 Modal verb
1.3.2 Modal adjunct
1.3.3 Modal satellite adverb
1.4 Theoretical framework
1.4.1 Orientation of modality
1.4.2 Value of modality
1.4.3 Framework of culture
Chapter Two Methodology
2.1 Research questions
2.2 Data collection
2.2.1 Advantage of written discourse
2.2.2 Content of the data
2.2.3 Subject
Chapter Three Results and Discussion
3.1 Statistic analysis and interpretation of modal verbs
3.1.1 Overall distribution of modal verbs
3.1.2 Values of modal verbs
3.1.3 Simple comparison of meaning of modal verbs
3.2 Statistic analysis and interpretation of modal adjuncts
3.2.1 Overall distribution of modal adjuncts
3.2.2 The use of modal adjuncts of extent
3.2.3 The use of modal adjuncts of comment
3.2.4 The use of modal adjuncts of polarity and exclamation
3.2.5 The use of other subsets of modal adjuncts
3.3 Interpretation of modal satellite adverbs
Summary of the study
Limitations and suggestions for future research
Appendix A. Sources of linguistic data
Appendix B. Sample texts
Appendix C. List of identified modal adjuncts