发布时间:2025-01-17 14:52
批评性话语分析是一种以韩礼德的系统功能语言学为主要理论根据的语篇分析方法,它通过语言分析来展示语言与社会的关系,尤其是语言和意识形态之间的关系。语言中隐含的意识形态往往被人们当作常识性的东西不加质疑地接受下来。批评性语篇分析的目的就是要通过语言分析使潜藏在语言中的意识形态突显出来,以便人们重新加以审视,从而避免被动和不加批评地接受它们。 论文通过批判性话语分析方法对《人民日报》和《纽约时报》报道中国成功举办2008年奥运会的相关新闻进行了定性分析。本论文主张北京奥运相关新闻语篇像其它普通语篇一样,绝不只是一个不偏不倚的传递信息的工具,而是赋予意识形态意义的。因此本研究首先致力于提供一个分析北京奥运相关新闻语篇意识形态的理论背景和分析方法,其次是利用该方法分析一组北京奥运相关新闻文本,目的在于考察他们怎样通过语言使用来体现各种意识形态。 本文采用了费尔克拉夫的三向度模型,即把新闻看作文本、话语实践和社会实践的统一。在文本研究方面,借鉴了韩礼德关于语言三大元功能的论述,从及物性、情态和词汇分类等多种角度考察了新闻的语言特色;在话语实践研究方面,采用“互文性”这一文本的基本属性来描...
【文章页数】:139 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A Brief introduction of the Beijing Olympic Games
1.2 The significance of critical analysis of Beijing Olympics-related news
1.3 The background and purpose of the dissertation
1.4 The structure of the dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Media discourse
2.1.1 Definition of news
2.1.2 The concept of objectivity
2.2 A historical review of news research
2.3 Theories of critical discourse analysis
2.3.1 Definition of critical linguistics
2.3.2 Definition of critical discourse analysis
2.4 Power and ideology in language
2.4.1 Definition of ideology
2.4.2 Definition of power
2.4.3 Language and ideology
2.5 A review of the previous CDA studies abroad
2.6 A review of previous CDA studies at home
2.7 The research on Olympics-related coverage
Chapter Three Data Collection and Samples
3.1 Source of the Samples
3.2 Authority and influence of both newspapers
3.2.1 Introduction of People’s Daily
3.2.2 Introduction of The New York Times
3.3 Samples of Olympics-related news report
3.3.1 Sample selection
3.3.2 The background of news samples
Chapter Four Analytic Tools of Critical Discourse Analysis
4.1 The theoretical framework for the present research
4.2 Fairclough’s three-dimensional model
4.2.1 A three-dimensional model for CDA
4.2.2 Intertextuality
4.3 Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar model
4.3.1 Ideational function Transitivity Lexical Classification Transformation
4.3.2 Interpersonal function
4.3.3 Textual function
4.4 Application of three-dimensional the model and systemic function grammar
Chapter Five A Comparative Critical Discourse Analysis of Beijing Olympics-related News
5.1 The dimension of text
5.1.1 Lexical classification
5.1.2 Transitivity Data Analysis Transitivity analysis of samples
5.1.3 Transformation
5.1.4 Voice Active Voice Passivization
5.1.5 Modality
5.2 The dimension of discursive practice
5.2.1 Intertextuality Modes of Reporting Reporting Verbs
5.2.2 News Sources
5.3 The dimension of social practice
5.3.1 The criteria of news values
5.3.2 Social determinants of Olympic-related news
5.3.3 The hidden ideology in the Olympic-related news
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 A summary of the findings
6.2 Limitations of the dissertation
【文章页数】:139 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A Brief introduction of the Beijing Olympic Games
1.2 The significance of critical analysis of Beijing Olympics-related news
1.3 The background and purpose of the dissertation
1.4 The structure of the dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Media discourse
2.1.1 Definition of news
2.1.2 The concept of objectivity
2.2 A historical review of news research
2.3 Theories of critical discourse analysis
2.3.1 Definition of critical linguistics
2.3.2 Definition of critical discourse analysis
2.4 Power and ideology in language
2.4.1 Definition of ideology
2.4.2 Definition of power
2.4.3 Language and ideology
2.5 A review of the previous CDA studies abroad
2.6 A review of previous CDA studies at home
2.7 The research on Olympics-related coverage
Chapter Three Data Collection and Samples
3.1 Source of the Samples
3.2 Authority and influence of both newspapers
3.2.1 Introduction of People’s Daily
3.2.2 Introduction of The New York Times
3.3 Samples of Olympics-related news report
3.3.1 Sample selection
3.3.2 The background of news samples
Chapter Four Analytic Tools of Critical Discourse Analysis
4.1 The theoretical framework for the present research
4.2 Fairclough’s three-dimensional model
4.2.1 A three-dimensional model for CDA
4.2.2 Intertextuality
4.3 Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar model
4.3.1 Ideational function Transitivity Lexical Classification Transformation
4.3.2 Interpersonal function
4.3.3 Textual function
4.4 Application of three-dimensional the model and systemic function grammar
Chapter Five A Comparative Critical Discourse Analysis of Beijing Olympics-related News
5.1 The dimension of text
5.1.1 Lexical classification
5.1.2 Transitivity Data Analysis Transitivity analysis of samples
5.1.3 Transformation
5.1.4 Voice Active Voice Passivization
5.1.5 Modality
5.2 The dimension of discursive practice
5.2.1 Intertextuality Modes of Reporting Reporting Verbs
5.2.2 News Sources
5.3 The dimension of social practice
5.3.1 The criteria of news values
5.3.2 Social determinants of Olympic-related news
5.3.3 The hidden ideology in the Olympic-related news
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 A summary of the findings
6.2 Limitations of the dissertation