【关键词】:口译焦虑 口译硕士 口译焦虑量表 实证
- Acknowledgements5-7
- 摘要7-9
- Abstract9-15
- Chapter 1 Introduction15-22
- 1.1 Research Background15-18
- 1.2 Statement of the Problem18-19
- 1.3 Research Questions19-20
- 1.4 Significance of the Research20
- 1.5 Thesis Structure20-22
- Chapter 2 Literature Review22-30
- 2.1 General Anxiety Studies22-23
- 2.2 Interpreting Anxiety Studies Abroad23-26
- 2.3 Interpreting Anxiety Studies at Home26-30
- Chapter 3 Methodology30-36
- 3.1 Participants30-31
- 3.2 Research Tool31-35
- 3.3 Research Design35-36
- Chapter 4 Data Analysis36-51
- 4.1 Basic Analysis36-38
- 4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis of Basic Information36
- 4.1.2 Descriptive Analysis of Questions on Interpreting Practice36-37
- 4.1.3 Descriptive Analysis of Questions on Interpreting Anxiety37-38
- 4.2 Basic Information and Interpreting Anxiety38-40
- 4.2.1 The Influence of Gender38-39
- 4.2.2 The Influence of Year of Enrollment39-40
- 4.3 Interpreting Anxiety of Master of Interpreting40-44
- 4.3.1 Scope of Interpreting Anxiety40-42
- 4.3.2 Severity of Interpreting Anxiety42-44
- 4.4 Interpreting Practice and Interpreting Anxiety44-51
- 4.4.1 Actual Interpreting Practices (AIP) and Interpreting Anxiety44-47
- 4.4.2 Tape Hours Outside Class (TPO) and Interpreting Anxiety47-49
- 4.4.3 Tape Hours in Class (TPI) and Interpreting Anxiety49-51
- Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion51-61
- 5.1 Summary of Results51-53
- 5.2 Discussions53-56
- 5.2.1 Gender and Interpreting Anxiety53-54
- 5.2.2 Year of Enrollment and Interpreting Anxiety54-55
- 5.2.3 Scope and Severity of Interpreting Anxiety55-56
- 5.2.4 AIP, TPO, TPI and Interpreting Anxiety56
- 5.3 Implications56-58
- 5.4 Limitations58-59
- 5.5 Suggestions for Future Researches59
- 5.6 Conclusion59-61
- Bibliography61-66
- Appendix A:Frequencies of Responses for the IAS66-72
- Appendix B:Interpreting Anxiety Scale (Chinese)72-74
- Appendix C:Interpreting Anxiety Scale (English)74-76
- Papers Published During the Study for M. A. Degree76
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
1 陈哲敏;;What are the Main Differences between Interpreting and Translation and Why is Interpreting not Just ‘Spoken Translation'?[J];海外英语;2013年22期
2 杨莹;;Do Interpreters Indeed Have Superior Memory in Interpreting[J];海外英语;2010年08期
3 夏晶晶;;On Medical Care Interpreting: Basic Requirements and Solutions to Typical Problems[J];海外英语;2013年12期
4 勒代雷;;Interpreting into a B Language:How It Could Be Raised up to the Conference Interpreting Standards[J];中国翻译;2008年01期
5 ;Interpreting for the Blind:Interpreter’s skills and an Interpreting Model[J];海外英语;2010年04期
6 孙佳妮;;An Empirical Study of Students' Sight Translation Practice[J];海外英语;2012年07期
7 李建平;石新民;;On the Language Direction in Chinese/English Simultaneous Interpreting[J];中国校外教育;2012年18期
8 高宇婷;;Knowledge Requirements Formula for Interpreters and Interpreting Training[J];读与写(教育教学刊);2009年08期
9 栗蔷薇;赵保成;;On Teaching of Interpreting from Interpretive Theory[J];海外英语;2013年11期
10 Franz P銉chhacker;;Quality Standards in Interpreting:Theory and Application[J];中国翻译;2007年02期
中国重要会议论文全文数据库 前1条
1 纪存;;Interpreting译名浅探[A];福建省外国语文学会2013年年会暨海峡两岸翻译学术研讨会论文集[C];2013年
中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前10条
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