发布时间:2018-01-05 12:05
本文关键词:“一个另类种群”:《雾都孤儿》中的犯罪阶级想象 出处:《外国文学评论》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The ghetto landscape in Oliver Twist reveals Dickens' ambivalence about poverty and crime. He shows not only the squalor and ruin of slums. Even though he intended to criticize the hypocrisy of the British charity system towards the poor, he unconsciously echoed the middle class's biased class imagination against the poor. The image of the poor as a whole as a criminal class that is difficult to control, unscrupulous, and ignoring the law is manifested in his appearance to the poor and criminals. In the writing of habits and even race, because he still attributes the root of crime to the increasingly lost moral character, he is not concerned with fundamental social reform. We can only repeat the soft but useless advice often given by bourgeois scholars.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学外国语学院;
【正文快照】: 当奥利弗作为棺材店学徒第一次跟随苏尔伯雷先生外出办丧事时,狄更斯对他们沿途看到的街景做了一番细致描写: 他们穿过本城人口最稠密的居民区……来到一条比先前经过的地方还要肮脏、破败、狭窄的街上……街道两边的房屋又高又大,然而非常陈旧,住户都是赤贫阶层,不用看偶尔
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1 关续兰;;再读《雾都孤儿》(英文)[J];语文学刊(外语教育与教学);2009年10期
2 周明娟;李R几,