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发布时间:2018-01-07 08:41

  本文关键词:论《洛丽塔》反讽形式下的伦理启示 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 纳博科夫 《洛丽塔》 反讽 道德

【摘要】:弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫(Vladimir Nabokov,1899—1977)在美国现代文学史上占据着不可替代的位置。他的那部具有世界性影响力的长篇小说《洛丽塔》,以一个患有恋童癖的中年男人亨伯特·亨伯特为主人公,从他的视角出发,叙写了他对一个12岁美国姑娘洛丽塔执拗而病态的追求,这中间交织着他自己声称的对洛丽塔的爱情和他实际上对洛丽塔造成的难以弥补的伤害,他的对小女孩无尽的欲望和难辨真假的忏悔。由于小说题材的敏感性,以及纳博科夫以亨伯特为第一人称叙事者,并赋予他异常动人的情感表达力量,因此,《洛丽塔》一经出版就饱受争议,它所触及的伦理道德问题成为争论的核心。国内外学者大致从"道德"、"不道德"、"非道德"三个方面对《洛丽塔》进行了批评,前两者探讨作品的道德维度,后者则以审美自律论者自居,坚持小说的审美价值。这在一定程度上反映出国内外研究者割裂作品的道德价值和审美价值的倾向。一些研究者意识到这一问题将导致对纳博科夫作品的片面理解,试图做出弥合两者间缝隙的努力。但从目前的批评现状来看,此类研究尚处探索阶段,对小说所蕴含的伦理之维和审美之维的关系认识得还不够深入,对作品道德意义的理解过于简单化。本文以伦理批评为主要研究方法,以反讽这一艺术形式为切入点,探讨纳博科夫如何在《洛丽塔》中实现了自己独特的道德观,即作品的道德价值必须以它的审美形式为依托。反讽所具有的欺骗、疏离以及模棱两可等特质加大了读者进行道德判断的难度,它迫使读者不断转换自己的道德立场,在此过程中对道德问题进行深入思考。第一章,分析纳博科夫独特的道德观以及反讽手法的运用与这一道德观的呈现之间有着怎样的内在关联。纳博科夫对于自己小说的道德意义的说法有前后矛盾之处。一方面他从艺术自律的角度出发,认为文学有其自身的价值,坚决否认自己的小说有任何道德意图,以此抵制以道德价值为标准衡量文艺的做法。另一方面,纳博科夫并没有完全否定文学作品所内蕴着的道德内涵。这看似矛盾的两方面正体现了纳博科夫对文学的道德价值的看法——文学不是对抽象的道德概念的简单图解,而是通过复杂的艺术形式将读者长时间地滞留在对作品所提出的道德问题的困惑之中。反讽是延长这一困惑的有效艺术手段,它通过两个相反意义的并置质疑某种"定论",又对作者的道德立场进行表面上的悬置增加了读者道德判断的难度。从这一意义上说,反讽将道德判断的过程陌生化,就在读者针对某一具体的道德情境反复思索、犹疑不决时,读者道德体验的时间被拉长,从而加深了对小说人物也是人类普遍存在的道德困境的理解。第二章,具体分析《洛丽塔》中的反讽人物亨伯特对读者的道德判断造成的困难。亨伯特所意欲树立起的自我形象和读者通过蛛丝马迹所构建起来的形象之间存在着矛盾。他一方面充满深情地诉说着自己对洛丽塔热烈而永恒的爱情,另一方面他对洛丽塔的暴君式的囚禁和奴役又瓦解着他所声称的"真挚"爱情。纳博科夫将作为温存情人和暴虐恶魔的亨伯特同时展现出来,让读者在厌恶与同情的相互交织与碰撞下不断转换道德立场,从而体验道德判断上的两难。第三章,分析小说的反讽结构与道德判断之间的关系。《洛丽塔》包含两个同名文本,构成了书中书式的嵌套结构。其一是以亨伯特为作者、叙述人和人物的文本;其二是以纳博科夫为作者,并将亨伯特的文本作为他小说艺术构架之一部分的文本。读者在阅读过程中一直处于这两个文本相互重叠的幻觉中,但后者对前者的质疑又没有使读者陷入到任何单一话语里。在读者受到亨伯特的诱导,情感上暂时偏向他时,纳博科夫在一个更大的文本框架里设置了许多暗示性细节,以质疑亨伯特自我辩护的话语。读者不得不在这两个文本所构成的张力中调整自己的道德立场,认真对待纳博科夫提出而又没有给出明确答案的道德难题。
[Abstract]:Vladimir Nabokov (Vladimir Nabokov, 1899 - 1977) occupies an irreplaceable position in the history of American literature. His book has influence on the world's novel "Lolita >, a middle-aged man with a pedophile Henbert Henbert hero, starting from his perspective, his writing on a 12 American girl Lolita stubborn and morbid pursuit, it is intertwined with the irreparable harm he claimed to love for Lolita and he actually caused by Lolita, the little girl of his endless desire and genuine repentance. The sensitivity of novels, and Nabokov with Henbert as the first person narrator. And given the emotional expression of strength, he very touching it," Lolita > was published to the controversial ethical issues, it touches a debate about nuclear Heart. Domestic and foreign scholars generally from "moral", "moral", "three aspects of morality" has been criticized for "Lolita", the former two works of moral dimension, the latter with aesthetic self-discipline theory itself, the aesthetic value of the novel. This reflects the tendency to adhere to the domestic and foreign researchers from work the moral value and aesthetic value in a certain extent. Some researchers realize that this problem will lead to one-sided understanding of the works of Nabokov, trying to make the gap between the two bridge efforts. But from the criticism of the current situation, this kind of research is still in the exploratory stage, the relationship between ethics contained in the novel and the aesthetic dimension the understanding is not deep enough and works on the moral significance of understanding is too simple. In this paper, the ethical criticism as the main research methods, the art form of irony as a starting point, to explore how Nabokov in "Lolita". The unique moral values, namely the works of moral value must be based on its aesthetic form. Irony has such traits as deception, alienation and increase the readers ready to accept either course of moral judgment of the difficulty, it constantly forcing the reader to change their moral stance, in-depth thinking about moral problems in this process. Chapter, are closely related to analysis of Nabokov's unique moral values and the use of irony and the moral values of the present. The moral meaning of Nabokov for his novel is a contradictory place. On the one hand from the perspective of his artistic self-discipline, that literature has its own value, strongly denied the novel has no moral intention, in order to resist the moral value as the standard measure of literary practice. On the other hand, Nabokov did not completely deny in literary works The moral connotation contains two aspects. This seemingly contradictory is the embodiment of the moral value of Nabokov's literary view of literature is not the abstract moral concept of a simple illustration, but through the complex art form of the reader long time stays in the proposed works on the problem of moral confusion. Irony is effective art this means to prolong confusion, it through the two opposite meaning the juxtaposition of a question of "verdict" of the author's moral position of suspension increased the reader difficulty of moral judgment on the surface. In this sense, the irony of moral judgment is strange, in the reader for a the specific moral situation repeated thinking, indecision, readers' moral experience time is stretched, so as to enhance the moral dilemma exists on the characters but also human understanding. The second chapter analyzes ". Rita > irony in the character of Henbert to the reader's moral judgment difficult. There is a contradiction between the desire to set up the Henry Bert self image and the reader through the traces to build up the image. His hand affectionately to Lolita recounting his warm and eternal love, on the other hand he of Lolita the tyrant type of imprisonment and slavery and the collapse of his claim to the "sincere" love. Nabokov will serve as a gentle lover and tyrannical devil Henbert showing at the same time, let the reader in disgust and sympathy are intertwined with the collision under changing moral stance, moral judgment and experience dilemma. In the third chapter, between structure and irony analysis of the relationship between moral judgment novels. Lolita > contains two name text, a nested structure type. The book of books Henbert was the author, the narrator and the people The second is the text; with Nabokov as the author, and the text of Henbert's text as part of his novel art architecture. The reader in the reading process has been in the two text overlapping illusion, but the latter on the former question and did not make the reader into any single word. By the induction of Henbert in the reader, emotional bias when he temporarily, Nabokov set up a number of suggestive details in a larger text frame, to question Henbert self defense discourse. Readers have to adjust their moral position. In the two text tension, seriously Nabokov put forward and not give a clear answer to the moral problem.



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