本文关键词:论狄更斯小说创作的情感教育倾向 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 狄更斯 文学作品 情感教育倾向 维多利亚时代 正能量
[Abstract]:In 19th century, Dickens was a great novelist who played an important role in the history of European literature, and was as famous as Balzac and Tolstoy. The social phenomenon of moral decline in Victorian period. Exposing the evils of capitalist society. His famous work Orphan of Whew, "David Copperfield," "Dombey and the son," "Dolly, Jr.," "hard times," "Great expectations," and other emotional educational tendencies. It is the most powerful weapon to transform and perfect people with the power of literature. It not only describes the growth and maturity of young people, but also shows the capitalists. This article takes Dickens' novels as the main body, on the basis of grasping the broad connotation of emotional education, combining with the Victorian social style to carry on the text analysis. In order to explore the source of inclination and artistic characteristics, and its extremely high universality of practical value. The main body of the paper is divided into four chapters: chapter one. This paper introduces the educational tendency of western realistic novels in 19th century. By discussing the inevitability of the healthy growth of individuals in civilized society, the importance of educational tendency in literary works is derived, including the perfection of personality and the shaping of moral character. Through combing relevant works in 18 and 19th century, including "Pandennis", "emotional Education", "Jude the unknown" and "Education of Love", the narrow and broad connotations of educational novels are summarized. Then compare Dickens' creation with it to highlight the practice and uniqueness of emotional education tendency to broad connotation in his works. The second chapter describes the specific presentation of emotional education tendency in Dickens' works and the return of conscience. The different life course of the inferior and the moral backbone shows the distinct creative characteristics of Dixie's love and abhorrence. The tendency of emotional education is the most powerful weapon to criticize the social life from the moral point of view. Through the ending and writing style of good and evil, he encouraged the people to be kind to others and spurned the hypocrisy of worshipping money. Stimulate the positive energy of human nature, contribute to social harmony. Chapter three, explain the main characteristics of Dickens' emotional education tendency of artistic expression, combined with text analysis can be seen. The author is keen to externalize the emotional world into appearance and language, so that the characters are born from the heart and the heart in one; And good at using exaggerated style and witty description of the characters and plot of the outstanding characteristics of unlimited amplification, to produce a strong artistic effect, with great appeal; Because of the tortuous and complex nature of his own experience, the work is full of love for the poor, but also reveals a desire to reconcile class contradictions of fraternity. 4th chapter. This paper explores the causes of the tendency of emotional education in Dickens' novel creation. The Victorian age of the prevalence of hypocrisy and utilitarianism is the soil for the creation of the works. The popular humanitarian literary writing style was the catalyst of this tendency. His rich personal experience and gentle and strong personality made him a bourgeois humanitarian writer. His desire for fame and money drove his creation to meet the needs of the masses. With emotional education to earn warm tears and a lot of wealth. Dickens' humanistic and fraternal emotional education tendency, stimulate the positive energy of human nature, appeal to the public to treat each other with humanity, to establish good interpersonal relations. Can help the society to ease the contradictions and create a harmonious atmosphere.
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