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发布时间:2018-08-09 13:32
[Abstract]:China's "Murakami fever" has a long history, and scholars pay more attention to the phenomenon of "Murakami reception". However, there is still room for further study on the village acceptance of Chinese young groups. In view of the present situation, this paper focuses on the relationship between the post-80s youth literature and the Murakami literature, which has become a contemporary literature and even a social phenomenon, and systematically examines the cultural acceptance of the post-80s youth literature to Murakami literature. Literature permeates the question, and through the thought related literature culture and the social question. Firstly, the paper summarizes the relationship between the youth literature and Murakami literature, and expounds the necessity of further exploring the relationship between them. The core part of the thesis is from the three angles of "digital expression", "small capital symbol", "lonely will", and through the specific investigation of the text of the work, from performance skills, aesthetic concept to ideological connotation. From the outside to the inside, the influence of Murakami literature on the post-80s youth literature is explored and explained. Finally, this paper probes into the reception psychology of Murakami literature of post80s youth writers, and explores the contribution and limitation of post-80s youth literature in the acceptance of Chinese Murakami literature by combining with the cultural background of the post-80s writers and the characteristics of the times. This study shows that the multiple and important influence of Murakami's literature, coupled with the writers' literary acceptance and innovation after the 1980s, It has given birth to the unique "Murakami flavor" of youth literature after 80's, and has become an important link in the acceptance of Chinese Murakami literature and culture, which provides a way of thinking for examining the development of Sino-Japanese literary exchange.


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