[Abstract]:After World War II, large numbers of immigrants poured into Britain for a variety of reasons. Amid the country's political and economic turmoil, the influx of immigrants has increased the pressure on the British people to survive, and the anti-immigrant wave has been accompanied by the solidarity of some politicians and the frequent violence on British soil. As Britain's political and cultural center, London brings together immigrants from all over the world, and ethnic conflicts occur frequently in this cosmopolitan city. The problem of immigration has become an urgent problem in Britain. Against this background, Zadei Smith wrote her first semi-autobiographical novel, White teeth, based on her own experience. White teeth revolves around immigrant family life, depicting the living and spiritual status of immigrants of different races living in London. It exposed the psychological and life trauma of immigrants. Guided by trauma theorists Judith Herman and Jeffrey Alexander, The purpose of this paper is to explore the traumatic separation between Pakistani immigrant Samad Iqbal and Jamaican immigrant Horten Borden in Britain. In the first chapter, the author introduces the background of Zadi Smith's creation and the present research situation of White Tooth, and analyzes the related theories of trauma and cultural trauma. On this basis, the research problems, research methods, and research purposes are presented. The second chapter, the third chapter, the fourth chapter are the central part of the article, in which the second and third chapters mainly start from the real life and spiritual life of immigrants, through the method of text analysis, Based on the theoretical and historical background, the psychological and cultural trauma experienced by the Pakistani immigrants Samad Iqbal and the Jamaican immigrant Horten Borden family in England is discussed in detail. These two kinds of trauma are mainly manifested in the separation of immigrant life and spirit from the mainstream society and collective. This traumatic separation is not only between the native British people and the immigrant group, but also in the immigrant group itself. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the relationship between Samad Iqbal and Holtensboulden through the reconstruction of the relationship out of the trauma, with an inclusive attitude to accept each other and integrate into the collective. The last chapter is the summary of the full text. Only by dealing with the problem of traumatic separation of immigrant groups correctly and guiding the groups to establish inclusive multicultural values can we create a good foundation for the establishment of a harmonious and unified country.
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