[Abstract]:Parody is one of the most important writing techniques in postmodernist literature. The Japanese British novelist Ishihiro Shih's new work, the buried Giant, parody the genre of chivalry literature, assimilates this classical literary genre, and realizes the effect of irony by drawing lessons from and transforming it. In chivalry literature, Ishihiro's most important parody is the British knight poem "Sir Gao Wen and the Green Knight" in the 14th century. He drew on the image of Sir Gao Wen in this poem, kept his promise and kept his chivalry character, but wrote the original young knight into an old knight. Thus, Ishihiro discusses how people should face the universal problems of old age, death, forgetting and love. Based on a poem of Sir Gao Wen and the Green Knight, this paper interprets the buried Giant, explores the ironic intention of the author through the connection and difference between the two texts, and then discusses the profound theme of the work.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学文学院;
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