[Abstract]:In Atwood's novel "the Story of the maid", the author uses literary imagination and narration to explain the everywhere of power, the operation of power politics is in every corner of society, and every subject is captured by it. In the novel, the body is presented as the object of writing, as well as the object of power, ideology, religion and so on. The writing of the body is embodied in the application of symbolic semantics to the uniform. Through the visual classification and restriction of the social grade through the clothing, the taming of the body based on the vision is carried out forcefully. The novel also echoes Foucault's mechanical mechanism of body power, and the control of power over body should conform to strict physical and mechanical principles, and ultimately serve political and economic purposes. The most extreme forms of power in the novel are population control, elimination, management and social hierarchy. Based on Foucault's theory of power, this paper discusses the power description of Atwood's novels and explains the author's view of power.
【作者单位】: 北京大学外国语学院英语系;
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