[Abstract]:From the point of view of cultural identity, this paper focuses on the study and analysis of the first person, the host, in order to highlight the confusion and construction of the cultural identity of Albert Camus, the French existentialist writer, and to reveal the subjective and objective reasons for his swaying position and tolerance mentality. This special cultural identity not only comes from its colonial experience, but also has something to do with family and school education. In the first person, Camus expresses his understanding of real life and his true feelings in the inner world in natural and simple words, and successfully brings readers a spiritual return tour. In the host, the protagonist Daru is in a quandary in the face of the task entrusted to him by the police. He has neither the courage to stand on the side of the French nor the side of the Arabs, and falls into the confusion of cultural identity. On the face of it, these two works depict the father-seeking process of Jacques Koomelli and the psychological course of the release of Arab prisoners by Daru, the primary school teacher. In fact, behind his appearance, what is vaguely revealed is the author himself, Camus' unique outlook on life and world outlook.
【作者单位】: 南京大学外国语学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金课题“法国前殖民地法语文学研究”(编号:16BWW069) 国家人文社科研究一般项目优秀成果“文化身份与现当代法国文学”(编号:09BWW023)的阶段性成果
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