发布时间:2020-12-31 11:06
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:49 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Winterson and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Focus and structure of the thesis
2. Ethical Confusion Due to Absence of Ethical Care
2.1 Ethical confusion resulting from failures in identity construction
2.1.1 Confusion about her identity as a daughter
2.1.2 Confusion about her identity as a Christian
2.2 Absence of ethical care in Jeanette's ethical relations
2.2.1 Absence of parental love
2.2.2 Lack of sense of belonging in the Christian community
3. Ethical Conflicts in Seeking for Ethical Care
3.1 Breaking of sexual taboos
3.1.1 Sexual taboos in the 1970s evangelical town
3.1.2 Obtainment of ethical care in lesbian relationship
3.2 Ethical dilemma resulting from conflicts in identity
3.2.1 Lesbian vs. daughter
3.2.2 Lesbian vs. Christian
4. Impartation of Ethical Care in Ethical Selection
4.1 Compromise as Jeanette's ultimate ethical selection
4.2 Ethical care reflected in ethical selection
4.2.1 Respect for different values
4.2.2 Freedom from religious bondages
4.3 Jeanette's ethics
4.3.1 Advocacy of dignity
4.3.2 Pursuit of individual liberty
5. Conclusion
[1]论《橘子不是唯一的水果》的伦理判断和情感追寻[J]. 苗学华. 外语学刊. 2016(04)
[2]文学伦理学批评:论文学的基本功能与核心价值[J]. 聂珍钊. 外国文学研究. 2014(04)
[3]基督教节欲伦理研究[J]. 李学迎,赵化民. 世界宗教研究. 2014(01)
[4]文学伦理学批评:基本理论与术语[J]. 聂珍钊. 外国文学研究. 2010(01)
[5]关于文学伦理学批评[J]. 聂珍钊. 外国文学研究. 2005(01)
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:49 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Winterson and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Focus and structure of the thesis
2. Ethical Confusion Due to Absence of Ethical Care
2.1 Ethical confusion resulting from failures in identity construction
2.1.1 Confusion about her identity as a daughter
2.1.2 Confusion about her identity as a Christian
2.2 Absence of ethical care in Jeanette's ethical relations
2.2.1 Absence of parental love
2.2.2 Lack of sense of belonging in the Christian community
3. Ethical Conflicts in Seeking for Ethical Care
3.1 Breaking of sexual taboos
3.1.1 Sexual taboos in the 1970s evangelical town
3.1.2 Obtainment of ethical care in lesbian relationship
3.2 Ethical dilemma resulting from conflicts in identity
3.2.1 Lesbian vs. daughter
3.2.2 Lesbian vs. Christian
4. Impartation of Ethical Care in Ethical Selection
4.1 Compromise as Jeanette's ultimate ethical selection
4.2 Ethical care reflected in ethical selection
4.2.1 Respect for different values
4.2.2 Freedom from religious bondages
4.3 Jeanette's ethics
4.3.1 Advocacy of dignity
4.3.2 Pursuit of individual liberty
5. Conclusion
[1]论《橘子不是唯一的水果》的伦理判断和情感追寻[J]. 苗学华. 外语学刊. 2016(04)
[2]文学伦理学批评:论文学的基本功能与核心价值[J]. 聂珍钊. 外国文学研究. 2014(04)
[3]基督教节欲伦理研究[J]. 李学迎,赵化民. 世界宗教研究. 2014(01)
[4]文学伦理学批评:基本理论与术语[J]. 聂珍钊. 外国文学研究. 2010(01)
[5]关于文学伦理学批评[J]. 聂珍钊. 外国文学研究. 2005(01)