发布时间:2021-03-10 16:42
奇玛曼达·恩戈齐·阿迪奇埃(Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)是尼日利亚新生代青年作家。其代表作长篇小说《半轮黄日》讲述了尼日利亚内战中乌古等三位主人公的故事,描写了尼日利亚普通人在战争中的经历,探讨了这段历史中的种族、性别以及道德伦理等问题。本文以霍米·巴巴的“模拟”和“杂糅”等后殖民概念为理论依据,分析《半轮黄日》中乌古在后殖民时代的尼日利亚如何褪去“他者”身份,摆脱殖民束缚,实现自我身份重构。据此,本文探讨其身份重构对本土文化认同以及对殖民文化认同的借鉴意义。首先,本文指出小说中乌古的种族“他者”、文化“他者”和社会“他者”身份,并结合“模拟”概念,解析乌古的语言“模拟”和行为“模拟”。在此基础上,本文进一步探讨在后殖民环境下乌古与本土文化疏离,同时又无法融入殖民文化而产生的身份危机。其次,本文从自我意识觉醒和身份转变角度解析了乌古的身份重构之路。结合霍米·巴巴的“杂糅”理论,本文分析乌古身份杂糅状态以及乌古的杂糅身份对尼日利亚文化的发声和殖民话语霸权的颠覆。最后,本文进一步挖掘乌古身份重构的意义,即对尼日利亚本土文化认同和对殖民文化进行反思,以及对于全球化时代文...
【文章来源】:电子科技大学四川省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:65 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Her Works
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Significance of the Research
1.4 Postcolonial Theory
1.4.1 General Introduction to Postcolonialism
1.4.2 Major Concepts of Homi Bhabha’s Theory
Chapter 2 Identity Marginalization of Ugwu
2.1 Identity as Other
2.1.1 Racial Otherness
2.1.2 Cultural Otherness
2.1.3 Social Otherness
2.2 Identity as a Mimic of the White
2.2.1 Mimicry of Language
2.2.2 Mimicry of Behavior
2.3 Identity Dilemma of Ugwu
2.3.1 Alienation from the Native Community
2.3.2 Incompatibility with the Western Culture
Chapter 3 Identity Reconstruction of Ugwu
3.1 Awareness of Identity Reconstruction
3.1.1 Awakening of Self-Awareness
3.1.2 Maturity of Ugwu’s Thoughts
3.2 Hybrid Identity of Ugwu
3.2.1 Acceptance of the Native Identity
3.2.2 Adaption to the Western Culture
3.3 Effects Caused by Ugwu’s Hybridity
3.3.1 Voice for Nigeria:Writing Nigerian History in English
3.3.2 Subversion of the Western Discourse Hegemony
Chapter 4 Significance of Ugwu’s Identity Reconstruction
4.1 Reconsideration of the Native Cultural Identity
4.2 Reflection on the Colonial Cultural Identity
4.3 Cultural Identity in Cultural Exchange
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Research Results Obtained during the Study for Master Degree
【文章来源】:电子科技大学四川省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:65 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Her Works
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Significance of the Research
1.4 Postcolonial Theory
1.4.1 General Introduction to Postcolonialism
1.4.2 Major Concepts of Homi Bhabha’s Theory
Chapter 2 Identity Marginalization of Ugwu
2.1 Identity as Other
2.1.1 Racial Otherness
2.1.2 Cultural Otherness
2.1.3 Social Otherness
2.2 Identity as a Mimic of the White
2.2.1 Mimicry of Language
2.2.2 Mimicry of Behavior
2.3 Identity Dilemma of Ugwu
2.3.1 Alienation from the Native Community
2.3.2 Incompatibility with the Western Culture
Chapter 3 Identity Reconstruction of Ugwu
3.1 Awareness of Identity Reconstruction
3.1.1 Awakening of Self-Awareness
3.1.2 Maturity of Ugwu’s Thoughts
3.2 Hybrid Identity of Ugwu
3.2.1 Acceptance of the Native Identity
3.2.2 Adaption to the Western Culture
3.3 Effects Caused by Ugwu’s Hybridity
3.3.1 Voice for Nigeria:Writing Nigerian History in English
3.3.2 Subversion of the Western Discourse Hegemony
Chapter 4 Significance of Ugwu’s Identity Reconstruction
4.1 Reconsideration of the Native Cultural Identity
4.2 Reflection on the Colonial Cultural Identity
4.3 Cultural Identity in Cultural Exchange
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Research Results Obtained during the Study for Master Degree