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发布时间:2018-06-01 22:45

  本文选题:广电网络 + 网格化营销 ; 参考:《南京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the progress of society, especially the rapid development of multimedia and other communication transmission technology, the traditional industry, traditional thinking has been unprecedented challenge and impact. The integration of three networks has entered a substantial stage of development, with broadband increasing speed, optical fiber to the home rising to the national strategy, and emerging technologies represented by cloud computing and big data have been comprehensively popularized. The progress of video transmission technology and the change of mass viewing habits bring great impact to traditional media. The marketing concept of "monopoly management" and "exclusive communication" which the radio and television network once relied on is no longer suitable for the market demand. Therefore, it is necessary to change the marketing mode and close to the needs of the users, and let the users choose the radio and television network services through the active service. The experience of telecom operators shows that grid marketing can meet the needs of users, improve service quality, improve customer loyalty, and achieve the growth of enterprise profits. Taizhou radio and television network decided to promote the market-oriented reform, from extensive marketing to refined marketing transformation, in Taizhou to take the lead in the establishment of a new grid marketing system. Let the concept of grid marketing run through all levels of Taizhou radio and television network, for the rapid response to the market, retain the user base, seeking incremental breakthrough plays an important role. Based on the research background of Taizhou Radio and Television Network Company, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the market environment of Taizhou Radio and Television Network by means of PEST analysis, and analyzes the advantages, disadvantages and opportunities of Taizhou Radio and Television Network by SWOT analysis. Based on the detailed analysis of the threat, combined with the operational characteristics of the radio and television network itself, aiming at the problems existing in the traditional marketing system in the aspects of organizational structure, marketing model, workflow and so on, Design a set of grid marketing system suitable for the actual needs of Taizhou radio and television network. This system mainly includes six aspects, such as grid division, organization structure, IT support system, operation and maintenance support system, main workflow and maintenance service, among which the definition and principle of grid division of radio and television network are expounded. The adjustment of organizational structure is mainly based on the idea of grid marketing, in order to improve the working efficiency and improve the profit target of the enterprise, the marketing organization structure is redefined and the IT support system is used to support the grid marketing process. The operation and maintenance support system provides the overall support to the customer and the service quality, the main workflow key lies in establishing the perfect grid marketing coordination mechanism, and the accurate marketing based on the data analysis; Maintenance service not only provides full service for grid users, but also provides differential services for different levels of customers. The six aspects cooperate with each other to realize the transformation of marketing mode of "management and maintenance, relying on operation and maintenance". Finally, the economic and social benefits brought by the new grid marketing system are evaluated.


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