发布时间:2022-10-29 12:27
【文章页数】:155 页
Figures and tables
Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chinese)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definitions of metaphor
1.3 A systemic-cognitive perspective on Grammatical metaphor in news report
1.3.1 Grammatical metaphor and context as a system
1.3.2 A metaphor on grammatical level
1.3.3 Dynamics of grammatical metaphor
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 Interpretation of metaphor and grammatical metaphor
2.1 Historical background
2.1.1 Aristotle on metaphor
2.1.2 Substitution theory and comparison theory
2.1.3 Interaction theory
2.2 Recent developments of metaphor theories
2.2.1 Cognitive theories of metaphor
2.2.2 Systemic-functional approach to grammatical metaphor Experiential and logical metaphor Interpersonal metaphor Textual metaphor Grammatical metaphor as interrelated system in context
2.3 A dynamic approach to grammatical metaphor in news reporting: summary
2.3.1 Scope of grammatical metaphor
2.3.2 linguistic perspective of grammatical metaphor
2.3.3 Grammatical metaphor in thought
2.3.4 Systemic grammatical metaphor
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 News Reporting as Discourse
3.1 News reporting as communication
3.2 Approaches to news reporting
3.2.1 Linguistic and sociolinguistic analysis
3.2.2 Conversational analysis
3.2.3 Semiotic analysis
3.2.4 Critical linguistics and sociosemiotics
3.2.5 Van Dijk's social-cognitive model
3.2.6 Critical approach to news reporting
3.3 News reporting as structure and process
3.3.1 News production as choice process of source information Interpretation of news gathering processes Cognitive processing of news reporting Social context and discourse processing
3.3.2 News reporting as a dynamic structure
3.4 Towards a systemic-cognitive analysis to news reporting
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Grammatical Metaphor in News Reporting as Meaning Representation
4.1 Clause as the foundation of study
4.1.1 Systemic-functional perspective
4.1.2 Cognitive linguists' viewpoint
4.1.3 The functional organization of clause
4.2 Grammatical metaphor as alternative to meaning representation
4.2.1 Types of process in English and constituent elements
4.2.2 Ergativity and grammatical metaphor
4.3 Difficulties with the systemic-functional view of grammatical Metaphor from a cognitive perspective
4.3.1 The problem of scope: where a metaphorical meaning begins and ends
4.3.2 The problematic nature of a congruent meaning
4.3.3 Congruent language and the problem of literality
4.3.4 Congruent language as the representation of the physical experience in which abstract thought is conceptualised
4.3.5 Grammatical metaphor as the product of a conceptual hierarchy: Process as actor
4.4 Systemic-cognitive interpretation of grammatical metaphor in news reporting as representation
4.4.1 Instructional semantics
4.4.2 Faith or fake: grammatical metaphor as an inclination for subjectification in news reporting
4.4.3 Context dependency
4.5 Bridging the gap: a systemic-cognitive framework to experiential metaphor
4.6 Nominalization in transitivity system
4.6.1 Nominalization as ideational metaphor
4.6.2 Nominalization in news reporting as message
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5 Grammatical Metaphor in News Reporting as Exchange and Information
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Interpersonal metaphors in news reporting
5.2.1 Modality and grammatical metaphor Definitions of modality Grammatical metaphor of modality Grammatical metaphor of mood
5.2.2 Cognition and interpersonal metaphor
5.3 Textual metaphor in news reporting
5.3.1 Theme and Rheme versus Given and New information
5.3.2 Cognition and metaphorical construal of message
5.3.3 Generic metaphor
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
[1]语法隐喻的认知与功能研究[D]. 毛凡宇.上海外国语大学 2011
[2]基于经济报道标题语料库的概念隐喻研究[D]. 吴恩锋.浙江大学 2008
[1]名物化在科技文本中的应用及其汉译研究[D]. 赵宜丹.西安理工大学 2021
[2]语法隐喻视角下汽车软新闻中名词化隐喻翻译实践报告[D]. 丁春辉.西安外国语大学 2020
[3]概念化和语言识解[D]. 李凤敏.中国石油大学(北京) 2016
[4]隐喻的口译方法[D]. 胡雪.中国石油大学(北京) 2016
[5]系统功能语言学视角下英语政治新闻语篇中的名物化现象研究[D]. 姚文静.湘潭大学 2013
[6]英文新闻报导中名物化的语法隐喻分析[D]. 何大吉.西南交通大学 2007
[7]从功能语法隐喻角度探讨BBC经济新闻的客观性[D]. 余晓丽.广东外语外贸大学 2007
[8]建构与认知:多学科视域中的国际新闻话语运作[D]. 曹烨.上海外国语大学 2007
【文章页数】:155 页
Figures and tables
Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chinese)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definitions of metaphor
1.3 A systemic-cognitive perspective on Grammatical metaphor in news report
1.3.1 Grammatical metaphor and context as a system
1.3.2 A metaphor on grammatical level
1.3.3 Dynamics of grammatical metaphor
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 Interpretation of metaphor and grammatical metaphor
2.1 Historical background
2.1.1 Aristotle on metaphor
2.1.2 Substitution theory and comparison theory
2.1.3 Interaction theory
2.2 Recent developments of metaphor theories
2.2.1 Cognitive theories of metaphor
2.2.2 Systemic-functional approach to grammatical metaphor Experiential and logical metaphor Interpersonal metaphor Textual metaphor Grammatical metaphor as interrelated system in context
2.3 A dynamic approach to grammatical metaphor in news reporting: summary
2.3.1 Scope of grammatical metaphor
2.3.2 linguistic perspective of grammatical metaphor
2.3.3 Grammatical metaphor in thought
2.3.4 Systemic grammatical metaphor
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 News Reporting as Discourse
3.1 News reporting as communication
3.2 Approaches to news reporting
3.2.1 Linguistic and sociolinguistic analysis
3.2.2 Conversational analysis
3.2.3 Semiotic analysis
3.2.4 Critical linguistics and sociosemiotics
3.2.5 Van Dijk's social-cognitive model
3.2.6 Critical approach to news reporting
3.3 News reporting as structure and process
3.3.1 News production as choice process of source information Interpretation of news gathering processes Cognitive processing of news reporting Social context and discourse processing
3.3.2 News reporting as a dynamic structure
3.4 Towards a systemic-cognitive analysis to news reporting
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Grammatical Metaphor in News Reporting as Meaning Representation
4.1 Clause as the foundation of study
4.1.1 Systemic-functional perspective
4.1.2 Cognitive linguists' viewpoint
4.1.3 The functional organization of clause
4.2 Grammatical metaphor as alternative to meaning representation
4.2.1 Types of process in English and constituent elements
4.2.2 Ergativity and grammatical metaphor
4.3 Difficulties with the systemic-functional view of grammatical Metaphor from a cognitive perspective
4.3.1 The problem of scope: where a metaphorical meaning begins and ends
4.3.2 The problematic nature of a congruent meaning
4.3.3 Congruent language and the problem of literality
4.3.4 Congruent language as the representation of the physical experience in which abstract thought is conceptualised
4.3.5 Grammatical metaphor as the product of a conceptual hierarchy: Process as actor
4.4 Systemic-cognitive interpretation of grammatical metaphor in news reporting as representation
4.4.1 Instructional semantics
4.4.2 Faith or fake: grammatical metaphor as an inclination for subjectification in news reporting
4.4.3 Context dependency
4.5 Bridging the gap: a systemic-cognitive framework to experiential metaphor
4.6 Nominalization in transitivity system
4.6.1 Nominalization as ideational metaphor
4.6.2 Nominalization in news reporting as message
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5 Grammatical Metaphor in News Reporting as Exchange and Information
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Interpersonal metaphors in news reporting
5.2.1 Modality and grammatical metaphor Definitions of modality Grammatical metaphor of modality Grammatical metaphor of mood
5.2.2 Cognition and interpersonal metaphor
5.3 Textual metaphor in news reporting
5.3.1 Theme and Rheme versus Given and New information
5.3.2 Cognition and metaphorical construal of message
5.3.3 Generic metaphor
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
[1]语法隐喻的认知与功能研究[D]. 毛凡宇.上海外国语大学 2011
[2]基于经济报道标题语料库的概念隐喻研究[D]. 吴恩锋.浙江大学 2008
[1]名物化在科技文本中的应用及其汉译研究[D]. 赵宜丹.西安理工大学 2021
[2]语法隐喻视角下汽车软新闻中名词化隐喻翻译实践报告[D]. 丁春辉.西安外国语大学 2020
[3]概念化和语言识解[D]. 李凤敏.中国石油大学(北京) 2016
[4]隐喻的口译方法[D]. 胡雪.中国石油大学(北京) 2016
[5]系统功能语言学视角下英语政治新闻语篇中的名物化现象研究[D]. 姚文静.湘潭大学 2013
[6]英文新闻报导中名物化的语法隐喻分析[D]. 何大吉.西南交通大学 2007
[7]从功能语法隐喻角度探讨BBC经济新闻的客观性[D]. 余晓丽.广东外语外贸大学 2007
[8]建构与认知:多学科视域中的国际新闻话语运作[D]. 曹烨.上海外国语大学 2007