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  本文关键词:有岛武郎童话中的儿童形象 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 有岛武郎 童话 儿童形象 特质

【摘要】:有岛武郎做为白桦派的代表作家,活跃在日本文坛,创作了许多小说及评论作品。比起小说和评论作品,有岛武郎创作的童话作品,数量并不多。但是,有岛的童话以其独有的特质,在大正儿童文学史上,占有一席之地。此外,有岛的童话大部分为其晚期作品,所以,有岛童话对研究其晚期思想而言,可以说是重要的文学素材。但是,目前为止,对有岛文学的研究,大多集中于他的代表小说,诸如《一个女人》《与生俱来的烦恼》等。对有岛童话的研究可以说是少之又少,并且,即便是研究有岛童话,其研究重点也主要为有岛童话创作的时代背景、创作动机、以及童话中体现的作家思想等。目前还并未发现,系统地分析有岛童话中的儿童形象的相关研究。但笔者认为,从童话中的儿童形象出发,分析研究童话作品是最为直接有效的途径。因此,本文将以有岛童话中的儿童形象为研究对象,以期分析得出有岛童话中儿童形象的特质,以及该特质产生的原因。 本文主要由三章构成。 在引言部分,将简单阐述本文的研究动机、研究目的、研究方法、先行研究及本文的创新点。 第一章将主要介绍有岛的童话创作,并分别探讨有岛童话在大正儿童文学界以及有岛文学中的地位和价值。 第二章将具体地分析有岛的五篇童话中出现的儿童形象。笔者将有岛童话中的11名儿童,分为三类,即“纯洁的孩子”“好孩子”“弱势的孩子”。对每一类孩童,笔者将进行细致的分析研究,其中,由于“弱势的孩子”一类内部还有多种分类,所以笔者将着力分析研究,该类孩童的儿童形象。 第三章将着力阐述有岛童话中儿童形象的特质,此外,该特质的形成原因也是本章的论证焦点。 在结束语中,将对本文做总结,与此同时,也将论述本文的不足之处。
[Abstract]:Yujima Takero is the representative writer of Shirakaba school, active in the Japanese literary world, wrote many novels and works. Compared with the novel and critical works, the island Wu Lang creation of fairy tales, the number is not much. But the island fairy tale with its unique characteristics, occupy a space for one person in the Taisho children's literature history. In addition, the island fairy tale for its most advanced works, so the island fairy tale research on its advanced thinking, can be said to be the important literature material. However, so far, on the island of literature, mostly concentrated in his representative novels, such as "if a woman born with trouble study on the island." the fairy tale can be said to be less and less, and even on the island of fairy tales, the research focus is mainly Island fairy tale creation background, creation motivation, and reflects the writer of fairy tale thought. There is no hair Now, relevant research to analyze the images of children in the fairy tale of the island. But the author thinks, from the point of view of children's image in the fairy tales, analysis of fairy tales is the most direct and effective way. Therefore, this paper will be the image of the child island in the fairy tale as the research object, in order to analyze children's image island in the fairy tale character, and the characteristics of the generation.
This article is mainly composed of three chapters.
In the introduction part, it will simply explain the motivation of the research, the purpose of the study, the research method, the first research and the innovation of this article.
The first chapter introduces the island fairy tales, and discusses the island fairy tales in the world of children's literature and Taisho island literature status and value.
The second chapter will analyze the image of the child appeared five fairy tales in the island. I will have 11 children island in the fairy tale, divided into three categories, namely "pure child" "good child" and "disadvantaged children". For each of these children, the author analyzes the research, detailed which, due to "vulnerable children" a kind of internal as well as a variety of classification, so the author will focus on the analysis of the image of the child, children.
The third chapter will focus on the characteristics of the image of children in the island fairy tales. In addition, the cause of the formation of this trait is also the focus of this chapter.
In the end, this article will be summed up, and at the same time, we will also discuss the shortcomings of this article.



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6 张慧U,




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